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    Asking for help...

    I am asking for help with prayers for comfort and healing for another person. A dear friend, Marshall, who is a Lutheran Pastor, and who I have many wonderful discussions about faith and religion, has an adopted daughter, Kara, who is now 30 yrs old. She is struggling with feeling like she...
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    Prayers needed

    TAW friends, I really need your prayers right now in dealing with personal flaws and the stress they cause. I won't go into details, but the level of stress is palpable.
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    Baby Luke update

    Baby Luke, now six months old, is having his first heart surgery today. They have just taken him to the OR and now we wait. Prayers much appreciated.
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    Prayers for patience and perseverance

    My wife and I had been matched to adopt a second child since November. Several weeks ago, the birth mother told us that she would not be placing the baby with us. We have been doing well with this, but found out today that the baby was born on Monday (through our adoption attorney's office)...
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    Need your thoughts/ideas, and prayers wouldn't hurt either

    Our 13 month old little girl who we adopted at birth is due to start a Mommy's day out at a local Baptist (SBC) church. It looks for all the world like a wonderful place, and a great learning environment. My wife, who is not Orthodox but was nominally raised Methodist, is very gung ho for this...
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    Please pray for my wife and I to find discernment

    This has been a very blessed and interesting day. This morning, my beloved wife and I found out that our 7 month old daughter's adoption had been finalized by the judge and we can finally rest easy that she is ours in the eyes of the law, even though we have felt that God had deemed her ours...
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    Please Pray for our family...

    My friends, some of you probably recall that the last year has been very whirlwind and exciting for me. I have married, moved into a new home, sold an old one, and as of December, Jennifer (my wonderful, beloved wife) and I had decided to try to adopt a child, as we are barren. We thought it...
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    Prayers please for our upcoming wedding

    It is finally almost here. Jennifer and I will be married a week from this Saturday. It has seemed like so many details and so much preperation, that it would never get here. Now there is almost no time to even blink before it will have come and gone. Your prayers will be appreciated as we...
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    Prayers please

    I'm asking for your prayers for me for discernment and patience as I go through some personal struggles right now. I don't want to go into details, but I would appreciate your prayers. Thanks. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy on me, the sinner.
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    Request for prayers

    A dear friend from our church (and fellow physician) sent out this e-mail tonight: Happy New Year to Everyone! I apologize to brings scary news along with my wishes for a happy, healthy new year for you and you families- but I need some help. We were given the news this week that my mom...
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    Prayers Please

    My mother's friend Patricia, is sick with lung cancer, and was put in ICU today with pneumonia. It doesn't look like she will survive this, but prayers for her, and my mother's (Elizabeth), comfort would be appreciated. They have been friends for at least thirty years, and it's hitting Mom...