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    The War on Entitlements

    The War On Entitlements -
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    The Decline of Evangelical America This was both an interesting and a sobering article to read. While I quibble with some of the numbers mentioned in the article (such as that only 7% of Americans would identify...
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    Rep. Paul Broun: Evolution a "Lie" From the Pit of Hell

    U.S. Rep. Paul Broun: Evolution a lie 'from the pit of hell' - ...
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    A Close Look At How Evangelicals Communicate With God

    Mark Noll: A Close Look At How Evangelicals Communicate With God | The New Republic While the author of the book reviewed is not Christian, Dr. Mark Noll is and the article presents not just a review of the book but also a review of modern evangelicalism especially the Vineyard/Calvary Chapel...
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    Young Republicans More Likely To Be Socially Moderate (more at the link)
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    Vincent Cheung

    Vincent Cheung .com Vincent Cheung's a Scriptualist like Gordon Clark and he is generous in offering most of his work free for online. Thoughts on his theology?
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    Jack Schaap Dismissed From Hammond Baptist Church

    Hammond Pastor Dismissed For ‘Improper Relationship With Young Woman’ « CBS Chicago
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    Army's Plans To Relocate Gear Offer Roadmap to Future Roles Most of them are simply common sense ideas IMO-Africa is becoming more of a concern and Korea is the only place where the US might have to fight a conventional war anytime soon.
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    Protestors Clash With Police in Anaheim

    Police, protesters clash as tensions roil Anaheim - Where I live of all places. Please pray that these protests don't go out of hand...
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    Did the Faith Groups page get reorganized, because this group used to be in the left row and now its in the right?
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    Any Political Conservatives Here?

    While this is a forum for theological liberals, are there people who are nontheless politically conservative? (Of course there are lots of visitors who aren't theological liberals here too I think).
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    What's Your View On Creation?

    What's your view on Creation?
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    Some Questions Related to Medical Technology

    Do you think it would be biblical and Christian to 1) genetically alter (please note not at all abort) fetuses to reduce their suspectability to hereditary diseases and 2) to use techniques to extend lifespans (such as say cellular rejuvenation) if either of those technologies became feasible?
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    Virginia Abortion Law-Thoughts?

    I've posted this elsewhere incidentally... While I generally these measures as a stopgap measure before real pro-life legislation can be passed, I am curious whether such an invasive procedure for...
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    Is It Ever Justified To Hate a Person?

    Is it ever biblical and moral to hate a person as opposed to a behaviour or a sin? After all God has hated people but people argue that because God is omniscient he can hate with full knowledge while people cannot.
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    Why No Love For Jon Huntsman?

    How come Jon Huntsman is considered to be a "RINO" or a liberal by many Republicans despite his conservative/free market stance on many issues? He is solidly pro-life, has a fiscally responsible plan, has very good foreign policy views, pro-free trade, and opposed to Obamacare. The only...
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    Where Are You On the Political Compass

    The Political Compass
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    Some Questions on Theonomy

    I hope you do not mind if I asked a few questions: -In a theonomic society, could thoughts ever be punished? For instance if someone had blasphemous thoughts and admitted them later on should he or she be punished? -In punishment, what would be the age of accountability and would mental illness...
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    Is Doing Homework on the Sabbath Sin?

    Would doing homework on the Sabbath be sin? And would it be sinful to do any sort of recreational activities?
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    Do You Have Intrusive Thoughts

    Intrusive thoughts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Do you ever have intrusive thoughts? Sadly I do and they are of such a nature that they cannot be repeated here As the article says, the thoughts aren't voluntary and they seem to have become more common as I have begun becoming paranoid of...