Search results

  1. John Shrewsbury

    Covenant Service

    We had our Covenant Service this Sunday. Having been away from Methodism for some time, I forgot how moving it can be, and how it reaffirms your faith.
  2. John Shrewsbury

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year to everyone here. May 2016 bring you all you pray for, and may The LORD bless you in all you do.
  3. John Shrewsbury

    Merry Christmas!

    A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. May The LORD bless you this Christmastime and bring you all you hope for.
  4. John Shrewsbury

    Being a Verger

    I've been asked by my Priest to join the new Verger's team he is setting up. There will be five of us and I know it is an important job. Just wondered if any of you have experience of being a Verger, or what it all entails. We are meeting Fr. Mark on Monday to go into details. Thanks! :wave:
  5. John Shrewsbury

    Bibles with the Apocrypha

    Which Bible translation do you recommend that contains the Apocrypha please?
  6. John Shrewsbury

    Which Book Of Common Prayer Should I Get?

    I would like to start using the Book of Common Prayer in my daily worship but am unsure which one to use as there appear to be so many listed on Amazon and elsewhere. Any suggestions would be valued, thank you! Incidentally, I am in the United Kingdom, (England) and in the Diocese of Lichfield...
  7. John Shrewsbury

    Anglican view on End Times (particularly Israel)

    I am interested to hear what the Anglican view is on the End Times and particularly on Israel and the Jewish people. As an Anglo-Catholic, I would also be interested to hear the Anglo-Catholic and Old Catholic views on this subject. With so much nonsense on the web and Christian TV about this...
  8. John Shrewsbury


    Are you an anglo-catholic, and if so, what drew you to this? I find I am increasingly being drawn towards this position.
  9. John Shrewsbury

    The Reformed Tradition Within Anglicanism

    How much of a role, if any, does Reformed Theology play in Anglicanism today? I have been reading a little about it, and know that it has a part in Anglican history, but most of the Reformed Christians I know of tend to worship in churches outside Anglicanism.
  10. John Shrewsbury

    Reformed Anglicanism

    I attend an Anglican church and have recently been reading about Reformed Theology. I know that in the history of Anglicanism, Reformed Theology played its part, but I wondered about today. Does a Reformed Christian have a place in the Anglican church, and are there any resources, websites...
  11. John Shrewsbury

    Sexual Morality Divide

    A survey in The Church Times has shown a divide amongst Anglicans on sexual morality. The 4,620 respondents were divided into three groups: Anglo-Catholic, Evangelical and Broad. 60% of Anglo-Catholics agreed that practising homosexuals should be ordained into the ministry. 57% of Broad...
  12. John Shrewsbury

    Prayer for storm battered England and Wales

    Please pray for the people of South West England and Wales who are suffering from a storm that is battering the country. It comes on the back of storms a few weeks ago. Parts of Somerset are still under water from storms just before Christmas. Currently 8,500 people are without power and...
  13. John Shrewsbury

    Which Bible Translation Does Your Anglican/Episcopalian Church Use?

    Which Bible Translation Does Your Anglican/Episcopalian Church Use? Mine uses the NRSV, although amongst the congregation it varies from the RSV to the ESV and others. Officially Church of England churches should only use the following translations: The Authorized Version or King James...
  14. John Shrewsbury

    Asking For Money

    Last Sunday our vicar announced that we had to take £20,000 (US$33,000) from reserves to keep the building going. We are a tourist attraction and a venue that attracts a lot of weddings, funerals and civic events, but obviously that is not enought to keep a 930 year old building going. In his...
  15. John Shrewsbury

    How do you become a member of the Anglican Church?

    I have been attending my local Anglican (Church of England) church for just over a month now, and really love it. At some point I would like to formally become a member of the church and wondered how you go about this and what needs to be done? Thanks in advance! :wave:
  16. John Shrewsbury

    Print version of daily prayers

    Excuse me if this has already been asked, but is there a print version of the daily prayers said in the Church of England (and again, please excuse me as I am unsure what the daily prayers are called), that I could buy and use at home please? I would really like to improve my home prayer...
  17. John Shrewsbury

    Merry Christmas

    I just wanted to wish all my fellow Anglicans and Old Catholics here a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May The LORD bless you and those you love this Christmastime, and may those who are alone, homeless or suffering in some way be blessed also both by their local churches and those...
  18. John Shrewsbury

    A Question about Holy Communion

    I have noticed that during Holy Communion some people take the wafer and eat it and then drink from the cup. Others take the wafer and then dunk it in the cup and eat it. Is there a reason for this, or is it purely personal choice? Thank you.
  19. John Shrewsbury

    New Oxford Anotated Bible

    I am considering getting a copy of the New Oxford Anotated Bible as I have been reading some good things about it. What do people here think about this volume? Thanks!
  20. John Shrewsbury

    New to Anglicanism

    Hi! I became a Christian in a Methodist church, and have been heavily involved in my local Pentecostal church. I left there due to some unpleasantness and prayed over where to go. It is not just me, incidentally, as my Mother is also a Christian and she has only in the last few months really...