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  1. nevb1973

    Question Am I A Baptist?

    I saw the post on page 4 of this section "What kind of Baptist are You?". I was raised in A Roman Catholic environment but was never comfortable with it. Last year I began to read the bible and try to figure out my beliefs and were I am in relation to God. I feel like I may be a Baptist if that...
  2. nevb1973

    Breaking out in my 30's

    I always had great skin even as teen but started to break out after 30. I am 37 mow and I always have a least one blemish on my face. They come out as large bumps that will not go away until I pop them and then I have a huge scab/crater very attractive! Acne products dry my skin and make it...
  3. nevb1973

    How to bring religion into teens lives

    I have 4 kids We have not made church or God a part of their lives. I s there a way to do this without being seen as crazy Jesus parents and my parent's have lost their minds! They have said they don't believe in God, but I said that too at their age. It just seemed way too uncool to...
  4. nevb1973

    A little prayer for me please

    I feel a little bad when I see so many who have WAY bigger problems than me! But here goes, just a little prayer for me that I may come to know the Lord and live a life pleasing to Him and that I can be a better mother and wife and bring God into the lives of my family where it is lacking now...
  5. nevb1973

    Hello Everyone

    I joined last year but haven't posted but one time. Married (2nd timer), 37 year old female 4 kids son 17 D's 15, 9 & 8. Was baptized RC, DH too, but am working on reading bible for first time and trying to decide where my place is in regards to a church. Have not been a church goer or brought...
  6. nevb1973

    Tubal reversal anyone?

    I am 36 years old. I had a tubal ligation 7 years ago during the c-section delivery of #4. At that time I thought I was doing the right thing the responsible thing how could we provide for more children? I have recently began to read the bible and have given myself over to Christ. I always...