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  1. wayfaring man

    Words, Sayings, Proverbs...

    A thread for sharing words, sayings, proverbs, which have been personally received. *********************************** Though Christ was raised a carpenter's son, His Father's business was all about building a Church without walls. --------------------------------------------------------...
  2. wayfaring man

    Fasting Post

    Posted the following in another thread, where it was noted that, there appears to be no commandment for us to fast in The New Testament. The post grew to the point where it seemed fitting to add to this board as well...
  3. wayfaring man

    Rate it, Then State it. (Truthful Sayings)

    In This game, one rates the 'statement of truth' from the preceding post with a 1-10 rating system; where one equals little or no apparent truth, and 10 equals being apparently completely true. With numbers in between giving a range of potential assesment . For example a rating of 5 would...
  4. wayfaring man

    Native American Quotes which fit well with Scripture

    It is less a problem to be poor than to be dishonest. _____________________________________________ The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar. <-----> Proverbs 19:22
  5. wayfaring man

    Acronym Game

    Acronym Game - Take a word or name (usually shorter ones for convenience), and treat it as an acronym, designating a word for each letter (in sequence), to form a description that correlates with the word. For example - Joy - Jesus overseeing you. Or - Faith - Favorably applied...
  6. wayfaring man

    e-sword free Bible study tool

    If you haven't discovered this already, it's definitely worth looking into - it's free, (with donations accepted), downloadable Bible Study's a link to the home page - e-Sword - the Sword of the LORD with an electronic edge Personally like the King James in correlation...
  7. wayfaring man

    Good effects from prayer + fasting

    Starting this thread to share testimonies of some of the good effects experienced through prayer and fasting. Will post again soon, Lord willing. wm
  8. wayfaring man

    Whose Side Are You On ?

    Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ, Was busy writing down some words, when a vision took over my mind and it started rather suddenly, seeing myself some where else, (I was inside seeing myself outside), and the vision started like this (continuing along even as I wrote it down) -...
  9. wayfaring man

    Favorite things about being single

    Favorite things about being single Have any ? Care to share ? I especially like the enhanced sense of freedom. Also have a saying that fits - Of all the things one may possess their liberty suits them best ! Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is...
  10. wayfaring man

    Role of Organic Sulphur

    Found this article to be of great interest, and like the idea of sharing a link to it here. The Importance of Sulphur in Plants and in Us. : wm
  11. wayfaring man

    Someone recently asked/commented

    Someone recently asked/commented,( in a thread recently closed, which asked the question, "why should I trust God"), the following - Since the thread closed, and "non-believers", are allowed to ask questions of "believers", in this forum, it seemed fitting for the opportunity to be...
  12. wayfaring man

    From Verse to Verse (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "From Verse to Verse"
  13. wayfaring man

    Picture A Scripture

    Picture A Scripture This is a thread for posting a picture with a correlating Scripture...been having fun doing this, and it helps with grasping/meditating on The Word. Example: (Utilizing a "cat" theme) According to their pasture, so were they filled; they were filled, and...
  14. wayfaring man

    From Saying to Saying (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "From Saying to Saying"
  15. wayfaring man

    His Hands

    His Hands His hands are skillful and will shape you. (Like a seasoned potter with a lump of clay) His hands are fast and will catch you. (If ever you stumble or fall) His hands are nimble and will amaze you. (With many a miraculous cure) His hands are capable and will save you...
  16. wayfaring man

    Fasting Day and Night

    "Day time fasting" + "night time eating" is not consistent with the Biblical theme of prayer and fasting. Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so...
  17. wayfaring man

    From Saying to Saying

    Ever since asking God for wisdom some time ago, "sayings", seem to come to mind from time to time. Having saved and shared many of them...have now the notion of sharing some of them here, with the invitation for others to perhaps share some of the "sayings", they have been given too, for the...
  18. wayfaring man

    Any idea what this symbol may represent ?

    Hi, This symbol came to me in an unusual way, but haven't found any distinct correlation...have a general sense of what it could represent, but would like to consider input from others. Thanks. __ ( ) In actuality the sides touch the top...but this is as close as could be...
  19. wayfaring man

    From Verse to Verse

    Starting a "share a verse" thread with the idea being that each verse(s) should be one that the previous one triggers the thought/remembrance of... For example - Jesus wept. <-----> John 11:35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- He is...
  20. wayfaring man

    Spam like Visitor Messages

    There appears to be a group of newbies that only post redundantly (a la spam-like messaging ), in visitor messages with a "cult-like" intrusive "we know better than you" spirit, giving out instructions in a talk down to you sort of way, like they be the masters and we be the servants. They...