Search results

  1. Lee Fey

    Several Science Fiction Projects

    Hello everyone, I've been working on several different projects, and am looking for anyone who'd be interested in helping. The first project that I've been working on a lot lately is a steamgoth space opera. It's heavily influenced by gothic and steampunk literatures, and draws on...
  2. Lee Fey

    So, if I wanted to bring an RPG here?

    Hey guys, I've been working on a campaign that uses the d20 rules, and is kind of mish-mash of Pathfinder, some old DnD stuff, Mutants and Masterminds 2nd ed, and d20 Modern. It's basically a d20 adaptation of Kingdom Hearts, but it steps away from the Kingdom Hearts reality, as it's loosely...
  3. Lee Fey

    Where Am I?

    Hello everybody! There's a few things I wanted to throw out there, and wasn't sure where to tall about them, because they involve so much that it's hard to classify the resulting thread as any one subject. As this is wellness in general, though, it seemed like a good place to start. I've...
  4. Lee Fey

    Many requests

    Wow, there are so many asking for prayer here. I realize that prayer is part of the Sword God has given us. I too am suffering through things. I am suffering from the effects of lust, and I won't go into it, but I ask for prayer in that regard, because I know it's so powerful. I also ask for...
  5. Lee Fey

    A Few Things

    Well, I'm eighteen. I'm a guy. This almost automatically means I'll struggle with sexuality. I love God, and I know that lust is wrong. But I've secretly disabled my parents' porn blocking software. Although I haven't abused that in a while, the temptation is still there. I've masturbated...
  6. Lee Fey

    Armor of God

    I've been studying Ephesians 6:10-18 for months now. This is the passage pertaining to the Armor of God. Now, I've looked at each individual piece of Armor, and have come away with an amazing amount of wisdom granted to me by God. However, I would love to hear of any personal views on the...
  7. Lee Fey

    The World of Algerinai:

  8. Lee Fey


  9. Lee Fey

    Kaine Frost

  10. Lee Fey


    Has anyone played Legend of Legaia, or its sequal? Or Legend of Dragoon? Or Jade Cocoon or its sequal? These games are among my favorite games, and they're relatively low popularity. I'm writing a fanfic, and I was wondering if anyone liked these games as much as I do, and if anyone likes...
  11. Lee Fey


  12. Lee Fey

    Cooking Christians Unite!

    Please, friends, I need your help. My parents never buy me any eggnog when the holiday season comes around, and it's one of my favorite beverages ever. I'm sorry to actually call people to help me, but I've decided that since the stores don't sell it anymore, I might as well try and make some...
  13. Lee Fey

    Regan "Witness" Lone