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  1. Good King Edward VI


    Hello all, Any members of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations frequent these forums? Just like to hear your thoughts on it, if so. Yours, Jeff
  2. Good King Edward VI

    Theological Diversity/Freedom in Disciples of Christ

    Hello all my new best friends forever, Quick question. I am wondering how much theological freedom is allowed, in terms of ministers/ministerial leaders in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). For instance, and specifically, would someone who believes that the ordination of women is...
  3. Good King Edward VI

    "My" "Mission"

    A simple plug for the small website I run. You can find the address in my signature. I'm still working on developing it. Quote marks in the subject line because it's not my mission, it's God's, and it's hardly a mission (yet), but I hope to someday at least gather a small Bible study...
  4. Good King Edward VI

    A Thank You To MrJim

    Good sir, I cannot reply to your PM because my post count is not high enough. I cannot reply to your PM via email because my post count is not high enough. Therefore, I launch an entirely new thread simply to say "Thanks for the tip." Yours, Jeff
  5. Good King Edward VI

    I Have A Right To My Sadness

    At least, that's what I keep thinking as I pump myself full of drugs: drugs to combat panic, drugs to keep me mentally alert, drugs to keep my mood elevated, drugs to help me sleep at night. The most terrible nightmares, waking up my wife by waking up in tears. But I can't help thinking...
  6. Good King Edward VI

    Crowded House Refound/Loss

    I thought they were done back in '93 after Together Alone. Then stumbled upon their "new" release (I think from '07) Time On Earth at the local public library. Also recently caught a performance they put on "Austin City Limits" on the Public Broadcasting Sinkhole. Time On Earth, coupled with...
  7. Good King Edward VI

    Investigating An'ism/Long Post - Need Help

    Those of you who read my profile, recognize my handle, or know what my pic is all about may be very surprised to learn that I find the Anabaptist way to be a very attractive Christian tradition. Allow me to elaborate a bit. Although I currently identify as an evangelical Anglican, I was...
  8. Good King Edward VI

    Generating the "core group"

    Hello all, I'm new to CF, as well as new to church planting, working on Anglicans Of Michiana. Over the past half-year, I have been trying various approaches to generating interest in what I term a "Word and prayer fellowship" (basically, a Bible study), as a step toward establishing an...