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  1. S

    Why does God allow suffering?

    I get the whole "Adam and Eve ate the apple" thing, but why is it that thousands of years later God still punishes billions of people for something two people did long ago? Isn't that kinda... mean? And God told them not to eat from that tree, but he created humans curious and with a weak will...
  2. S

    Noah = inbreed?

    If Noah and his family were the only people to survive the flood, wouldn't that mean that they had to inbreed in order to restore the population? Isn't that also considered incest and is it not a sin? :confused:
  3. S

    There are five apples on a plate and five children

    Each child gets an apple and one apple is left on the plate. All the children get a whole apple and the children are whole too ;) How is this possible? It's actualy quite simple once you know :D
  4. S

    is dublinese good or bad?

    what do you think? personally, i find it kinda annoying :P i don't know, maybe i'm just a proper english fanatic? :D but i think irish accents in general are fun to listen to, but like everything else, too much is bad :P :hug:
  5. S

    problem making friends

    hi :wave: so i have a problem making friends. there is a lot of people that i could be friends with, like in school or in hangout places but i find it difficult to keep up a conversation. That usualy leads to lack of interest from the other person :( i used to be quite shy but lately i improved...
  6. S

    If being homosexual is a sin, then why did God create homosexuals?

    People can't choose their sexuality, it's just the way they are. Why did God create people like that and then not allow them to express their feelings? What's wrong with being homosexual anyway? If two people find true love does it really matter that they're of the same gender? Isn't...