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  1. Angeloffire

    What if the rapture was tomorrow?

    My 4 year old daughter came to me day before yesterday and said, "Mommy, I just dreamed that God touched me and I could fly and then He started touching people all over the world". Now I have never told her about the rapture and I wondered to myself, was this what she was seeing? Then more...
  2. Angeloffire

    Child dreams of Rapture

    I felt lead to share this with others and wonder if anyone else's children or family members are dreaming the same thing. My 4 year old woke up really happy and said, "Mommy, I dreamed God touched me and I could fly and then He started touching people all over the world and they were flying...
  3. Angeloffire

    How to receive your healing......

    The source of our healing is singular. It is God, Himself, applied to you. I have seen and experienced healings through the laying on of hands, by demonic expulsion, by understanding or revelation acted on (faith), and by divine intervention.....all of these are simply God Himself touching...
  4. Angeloffire

    Experiencing the Word/Jesus

    I awoke this morning with the joy of the Lord overwhelming my physical self....I felt His mercies once again renewed to me and a wonderous truth sat in to my heart and mind. What is salvation if you don't experience it? What is love, joy, peace, and truth if you don't feel it? Wasn't...
  5. Angeloffire

    Keys to hearing God (no debate)

    Okay.....let me say this upfront NO DEBATE! I know some of you don't think you have demons or that the spirit of error can't come near your mind, so please give others who believe otherwise the room to speak from their hearts and be kind as I really mean 'no debate'. This thread is meant to...
  6. Angeloffire

    Finding Truth in all things

    I had the most wonderful revelation the other day. That as God is all and in all, that there is truth in all things. For instance I saw a little worm all dried up on the sidewalk and realised that if we are not where we belong "in Christ" that we are like a worm trying to live on a...
  7. Angeloffire

    The Unforgivable Sin

    I've heard many people's opinions on just what the 'unforgivable sin' is and yesterday I came across an explanation I have never heard before. Here it is: THE STUBBORN BELIEF THAT GOD CANNOT OR WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU
  8. Angeloffire

    The Gift of Discernment (no debate)

    I have been blessed to operate in this gift somewhat and would like to hear from others what they think the gift entails. I keep finding new depths to it, which surprises me. Is there anyone who has this gift and who would like to share their experiences? Also any comments that are...
  9. Angeloffire

    How to Forgive....

    The following subject is to open our minds and heal our hearts: Forgiveness is huge. If you cannot forgive, the bible says you cannot be forgiven. But you cannot make a conscious decision to just forgive, no more than you can to just forget. In truth we are all a sum of our past...
  10. Angeloffire

    Why Jesus Died

    We know that Jesus died for our sins. That He bore our sickness and that because of Him and what He did, we can have peace in our lives. Then He gave us authority over the enemy, which we did not have before He died and demons became subjected to us through His name. How important is it to...
  11. Angeloffire

    What are the componets of a successful demonic expulsion?

    I would like to hear what others think on this subject and also like to ask ahead of time that everyone respect that others have differing opinions and that it is perfectly okay for them to have one different from their own. We learn, when we don't 'close' our minds and have nothing to...
  12. Angeloffire

    Persecuted by Christians

    As God has been revealing some of His mysteries to me and I walk in what He has shown me, I have found that most of my persecution comes from the body of Christ. This is the saddest thing. As an example, imagine if you were taken to the seventh heaven and you saw it in all its splendor, you...
  13. Angeloffire

    Spiritual Knowledge website

    Hi Everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know about my cool new website. I have recently started a healing and deliverance ministry, with the central focus on spiritual knowledge and spiritual warfare. Come check it out and let me know if you find any...
  14. Angeloffire

    My perfect church

    If you could create a church or a gathering what would it be like? I would love to hear what everyone thinks.
  15. Angeloffire

    What would the perfect church be like?

    I have often wanted to ask others what they thought a perfect church would be like if they could find one or make one. Everyone has an idea in their mind of what they are looking for in a church. Is it fellowship, programs, learning ......? For me it would be Jesus, sitting on a stump or...
  16. Angeloffire

    Did Jesus ever pray for the sick?

    As Jesus is the way, the Truth, and the life, I would ask the readership. Did Jesus ever pray for the sick? If not, then how did He heal them and shouldn't we do the same thing that the disciples were doing to heal the sick?