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  1. sawdust

    Did Adam have Eternal Life Pre-Fall?

    This issue was raised in another thread that I didn't get a chance to respond to as I went on holidays and it was off topic so thought I would deal with it here and see what you all have to say for yourselves. I say he didn't as eternal life is imputed to our spirit and if Adam had eternal life...
  2. sawdust

    Jesus and the sin nature

    Could someone please tell me what the official Eastern Orthodox Church teaching is regarding whether or not Jesus had a sin nature? Thankyou. peace
  3. sawdust

    Colossians 1:24?

    Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church. What did Paul mean by the emboldened bit? peace
  4. sawdust


    I have been thinking about death lately (not in a morbid way) and I have two questions. Q1. If we understand death (essentially) as separation, then the "first" death is the separation of soul and body (physical) and soul and spirit (spiritual). So what is the "second" death? Revelation 20:14...
  5. sawdust

    Apostolic Succession?

    I was reading Ephesians the other night when I came to this verse: having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, Eph.2:20 which in turn reminded me of this verse: Now the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and...
  6. sawdust

    How can one be Holy?

    "but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” 1Peter 1:15 & 16 The question in the title came up in another thread and rather than lead the existing thread on a different course, I have started this one. My own...
  7. sawdust

    Faith in Salvation

    I have begun this thread because of discussions in OSAS v Non-OSAS threads that have left me thinking again about the nature and application of faith. The following quote is but one instance of something said that confounds me. My initial response is to wonder: “If faith is from God, how...
  8. sawdust

    Is Man Born With a Spirit?

    Is Man Born With a Spirit? This question has been raised due to a difference of opinion within another thread. As the thread was in a forum not meant to discuss theological issues between Christians, I have brought the discussion over here. Essentially the two “theories” were...
  9. sawdust

    Possessed of a Different Spirit

    I was born in Adelaide of English parents who immigrated to Australia 6 years before my birth. I was the fifth of 5 girls, the eldest being 18 years older than myself. We were a lower working class family without frills but had sufficient to get by. It was not a religious home but concentration...
  10. sawdust

    New Creation?

    This thread is mostly directed towards scientists who are Christians and hold the Bible as divinely inspired and also theistic evolutionists. (I don't want to exclude anyone, but I don't want to waste anyone's time either) When ever the topic of "Creation" (in the sense of universe, life etc)...
  11. sawdust

    Hello All

    Hi Everyone, I came in here (CF) about a week ago and have found it to be really great. Excellent topics and everyone's so well behaved! (Hope I don't go mucking up! :D ) Looking forward to getting to know you all better. :hug: (to all, please share it round)