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  1. S

    Hit badly by witchcraft

    I have been hit very badly by witchcraft. My blood is poisoned with organs not working. My belly is bloated like a pregnant woman. I can't sense my urine. My stomach doesnt digest food. I neither feel hungry nor thirsty. I have been hit very badly. Where can I find a good powerful healing...
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    Healing/deliverance ministries.

    Please can fellow members tell me good healing/deliverance ministers or ministries who are able to know the root causes of people's problems when praying for them. What I mean the Lord reveals to them the root causes of the people's problems. So that the root causes are being dealt with not...
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    God's word sharper than any two-edged sword explanation please.

    Hi. What does it mean that by the scripture below? Hebrew 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart...
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    Regarding Benny Hinn teachings (Deliverance from Demons)

    Hi. Benny Hinn has a 20 sermon teaching on Deliverance on Demons. I have already listened to some of the first 10 sermons. I have found that he teaches according to the bible. Also I realize he can really teach and with humour too. However I came across an article on the internet Benny Hinn...
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    Jesse Duplantis weekly tv shows from January 2011

    Hi. Jesse Duplantis usually releases weekly tv shows available to be downloaded on mp3 format on their website I was not able to download much this year and the last tv show I got from the website is wbc_11-03.mp3. Thats the show for the 3rd week of January. The website has has...
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    Jesse Duplantis weekly tv shows from January 2011

    Hi. Jesse Duplantis usually releases weekly tv shows available to be downloaded on mp3 format on their website I was not able to download much this year and the last tv show I got from the website is wbc_11-03.mp3. Thats the show for the 3rd week of January. The website has has...
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    Kenneth Hagin sermons April 2009

    Hi Everybody, Kenneth Hagin releases 5 sermons every week called Rhema For Today on his website . They are available to download. I have missed out donwloading whole of Aprils sermons. Has anyone here downloaded Aprils sermons? Can you upload them and share with me please? I really...
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    Kenneth Hagin Sermons April 2009

    Hi Everybody, Kenneth Hagin releases 5 sermons every week called Rhema For Today on his website . They are available to download. I have missed out donwloading whole of Aprils sermons. Has anyone here downloaded Aprils sermons? Can you upload them and share with me...
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    Does God Heal Pimple Scars

    Hey everyone, My name is Jax and i am new here. i want to ask fellow members if Jesus heals the different types pimple scars on the face. There are different types of pimple scars on the face. There are types which leave a crater or a deep hole in the middle and has uneven skin colour. Has...
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    Does God Heal Pimple Scars?

    Hey everyone, My name is Jax and i am new here. i want to ask fellow members if Jesus heals the pimple scars on the face. I'm talking about different pimple scars on the face like the ones which has a crater in the miidle and has uneven skin colour. Has anyone here prayed to the...