Search results

  1. helmut

    Abortion in USA - View from the outside

    I want to share some thoughts I got when viewing the discussion about the annulment of "Roe vs. Wade", and what I could hear in German media about the midterm elections battle. The general impression is: The debate about abortion ("pro life" / "pro choice") is much more heated in the US than in...
  2. helmut

    All is new …

    I suppose I will be acquainted to the new design in a time (long or short?). But when I saw a long list of news at the top of the list, I read some them, thought: I've read them all, so I clicked off all them as read, until only the message »we have upgraded …« was left. Maybe I missed some news?
  3. helmut

    50 Holocausts

    Uproar after Mahmoud Abbas in Berlin accuses Israel of ’50 Holocausts’ | Mahmoud Abbas – News Monkey 50 holocausts - well, you cannot kill fifty times one third of a people, you can do this only three times (or, with some imprecision, perhaps four times, but definitely not more). So "50...
  4. helmut


    Joe Biden promised to heal the country, to be president of all Americans. But when I hear what he did after he became president, it seems he only served the interests of his voters. But since I am a foreigner who looks from the outside (Germany), I may have missed something. So my question is...
  5. helmut

    Seaching for Cowper: My country, Lord

    There is a song by Danny Plett, a Canadian singer who lives in Germany. First I only new the German version, then found out it is a translation from English, and that part of the text stem from William Cowper. According to the sheet which contained the information, The first, second, and fourth...
  6. helmut


    This does not fit into any category here, I try to put it in a place where the mis-fit is minimal. I watched the inauguration today, and there was a prayer from the pastor of Kamala Harris. It ended with the word "... in the mighty name of our common faith. Amen." Now I'm familiar with the...
  7. helmut

    An interesting list

    Look at this characterization of a personality: inappropritate self-esteem the wish to climb the social ladder at any cost disdain of people with lower status over-assessment of one*s wealth desire for success and respect ready to take revenge on persons or a system deprives him the opportunity...
  8. helmut

    Best and worst covid-19 countries

    Countries with a population of more than 100,000 , that have high number of covid-19 related deaths per Million: Belgium 1446 Peru 1,068 Spain 973 Italy 933 UK 868 North Macedonia 860 Argentina 858 Bosnia and Herzegovina 847 overlooked in first version USA 835 etc. Countries with a population...
  9. helmut

    China won, USA lost

    The USA tried to make a free trade agreement with the Asian-Pacific region. Then came Trump, and according to his "America first" strategy, his plan ended in the waste-basket. If you compare countries to individuals, that (and the whole "America first" policy) meant the USA got egoistic. And...
  10. helmut

    Suppose the election has been "stolen" ...

    I don't believe there was systematic fraud in the election, but, just for the sake of arguments, let us suppose there was fraud, and in reality Trump has won. What can we conclude from that? The fraud has not be done by the Democrats. If they had committed anything like that, they would also...
  11. helmut

    Election fraud (attempt) seen in action

    Weeks ago, I posted that, since only one person (Trump) knows how there could be fraud in the election, Trump will be the only one who may commit fraud. Now we see how this fraud should be done: In one speech, Trump says (correctly, as even CNN says) that while Biden leads in Arizona, the...
  12. helmut

    Another view at Kenosha

    I only saw videos in German media, so maybe someone with more information may correct me. I see a man (Blake) going to his car, followed by a policeman with a gun. I assume that the policemen did not force him to do so, so it looks that he stubbornly goes to his car, open the door, bows down...
  13. helmut

    Trump supported by German Left

    Speakers of the German Party Die Linke ("The Left"), a party with historical roots in the ruling party of East Germany (SED), support the idea of reducing US troops in Germany. Some express the wish that not only a part, but all US troops should leave Germany, one spokeswoman said it would be...
  14. helmut

    Does Trump plan a coud d'etat?

    Disturbing news from America in German TV. Protests against police brutality (esp. targeted at colored people), some peaceful, others rather riots and plundering - and a president who does not calm the feelings, but rather heats up the situation (at least according German TV). And he threatens...
  15. helmut

    I stand all amazed

    I hope this is the right place to ask this question: After trying to sing the song named in the title, with both of us not sure about the melody, I went to youtube to find a video which helps to teach that song. I was embarassed that many (the majority in my search results) are linked to...
  16. helmut

    John Hunter etc.: Timeline

    May 2014: Hunter Biden joins the company Burisma Holdings, as member of the Board_of_Directors. Burisma wanted a "clean" face, because there were investigations against the company and its owners. The responsible investigator was Victor Shokin, known to be corrupt himself. He protracted many...
  17. helmut

    Link to a new video series

    I received a newsletter mail from Johannes Gerloff, a German theologian and journalist living in Jerusalem. After a visit in Uganda, he decided to start a video series in English, which he feels may be useful also for non-Ugandans. As to now, only an introductory video has been loaded to...
  18. helmut

    Johnson wants to negociate?

    On his tour through Europe, Boris Johnson tries to give the impression he wants to negotiate a new agreement on the Brexit. But there are serious doubts he really wants that: As to the main point stressed by Johnson, the "backstop", there is no need to negotiate a new agreement, just negotiate...
  19. helmut

    Johnson wants to negociate?

    On his tour through Europe, Boris Johnson tries to give the impression he wants to negotiate a new agreement on the Brexit. But there are serious doubts he really wants that: As to the main point stressed by Johnson, the "backstop", there is no need to negotiate a new agreement, just negotiate...
  20. helmut

    Flying mines?

    According to Trump and his administration, the two oil ships damaged in the Strait of Hormuz were attacked by Iran. There is even a video which should prove that. It shows a boat (allegedly from the revolutionary guard of Iran) which seems to remove something (allegedly a sea mine) from one of...