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    Paul versus the Gospels, life of Christ.

    Post did not copy correctly, will have to correct...Can never figure why something I write on word will not paste correctly her no matter how many times I edit it....errrrrr.
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    I've always tried to be a giving person. I worked for the same company for 23 years. I was stricken with a nerve disease..RSD and finally lost my job. I opened my own business. It was so hard. The problem is mostly pain, but the more I move..the worse it gets..dizziness, ect. Have been told to...
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    For better or worse?

    Not wanting to derail other threads on divorce, I wanted to ask this question. You can do your own studies, but 100's of years ago the christian church created basic vows of marriage based on biblical rule. Of course during this time women had little rights. Many teach that adultery is the...
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    What is your favorite show on TV

    Obvious TV has changed in my years..most shows when I was young taught morals, ect., even the sitcoms such as "All in the family" What TV shows do you like? How many really use parental control options? Do shows with cussing, violence, sex, bother you..even if it's a great movie? I know...
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    The debate on sin.

    With all the threads on possible sinful behavior, I thought instead of talking about "acts" that people call sinful and discuss how and when something becomes sinful. It is us humans that make it more complicated than God intended. When humans take the seat of Divine authority by presuming to...
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    Is health care a right?

    Obama says health care should be a right. That all Americans are entitled to it, regardless if they can pay or not. Obvious, anyone can go to the emergency room for critical care, so that's already there. But what about general health care? Should tax dollars go to pay for healthcare for those...
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    How TV effects us all

    TV plays such a large role in culture. I can remember when I was young, most shows had a moral theme. Even the sitcoms, such as Goodtimes, Sanford and Son, All in the family, Happy Days, ect...taught a moral at the end. Today, I see little of this. Even old Archie Bunker taught us some valuable...
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    Should we allow gay marriage.

    Obvious there are many debates on this, but with an election year I wonder if any opinions have changed. I'm still riding the rail. Why it's a mute issue for me and I have no use for it, I still am concerned with the constitutional aspects of it. Even if my faith or beliefs are against it...
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    Churches defy the IRS

    Many churches or Pastors have decided to defy the IRS and preach Politics and openly support a canidate. This is against the rules of the IRS. Should Pastors be able to tell their flock who to vote for? Is there danger of being seen outcasted if you go against the Pastor? Should these...
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    Why does God need to torture?

    Maybe we can get some different responces and more people involved, rather that just debate UR. Why does God need to torture people for eternity? What is this place that unbelievers are destined for, that Christians are trying (or supposed to be trying) so desperately to save people from...
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    With all the UR threads...

    Keep this in mind. 2000 years after the gospel was sent into the world, there are literally thousands of languages in the earth today which do NOT have even pieces of Scriptures let alone an entire Bible? Do you understand that from Adam to the present day, probably well over 95 percent of...
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    When God speaks

    I hear many people that say they know when God speaks to them. Some claim they even hear audible voices. Others say they hear him in their minds. Throughout my walk, more in my early days I would claim that "God told me so" or " I heard him in my spirit." When making decisions, certainly we...
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    What are you most afraid of?

    I talked with someone today who was just told they were dying of terminal cancer. I listened to his fears. He is only 46, wife, kids... He is a Christian...but said when the words came...4 months, maybe a few more...he said he felt panic... The unfairness of not raising his children, knowing...
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    Tony Snow's Essay

    This is an outstanding essay from Tony Snow, President Bush's Press Secretary, and his fight with cancer. Commentator and broadcaster Tony Snow announced that he had colon cancer in 2005. Following surgery and chemo-therapy, Snow joined the Bush Administration in April 2006 as press secretary...
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    Getting Older

    I'll turn 47 this week. I have to admit getting older bothers me. I don't know, maybe I'm going through a mid-life crisis. I'm sure anyone older knows how fast life goes by..Life really goes by fast. My mind doesn't feel older, but my body does. My children just grew up...much too fast. My...
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    Who influenced you?

    Most people I know state that some person really influenced them for the better, some to the point it saved them in some way. I find often it's people doing simple things. I grew up hard, father was an alcoholic, ect...about as bad as it can get. My siblings went into drugs, drinking, ect...
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    Cell Phones

    Could you survive without using your cell phone? If I would have invested all the money I've paid in cell phone bills for many people over the last..since they were invented, by the time I reach 65, I would have over $500,000.00 saved. Every kid I see has a cell phone, even younger children...
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    Can Obama get the white Christian vote?

    Obama is now pushing for the christian vote...the white christian vote. Do you think white Americans will vote him in? Polls show it's mainly the younger christians, even while their parents are fundemental, they are voting for Obama. Many people say they are bothered by his name.. Does it...
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    Pretending, Things men and women do.

    Seeking more opinions from women, but it goes both ways. How many of us please our partners or others, when we really are not in the mood, don't like it or even care for whatever it is? Is it not better to just say sometimes, "I don't like this."? My wife shows dogs. At first, I went to each...
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    Preparing for the future economy

    Many Americans are hurting due to the economy. I'm reading a book by Donald Trump titled " Why we want you to be rich." A great read so far. It was written years ago, but he spoke of the upcoming economy..that the "Perfect Storm" for economic disaster is coming and that we are headed for a two...