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  1. Rembrandtfan

    Some Thoughts

    I've been reading some really good books lately which have cleared up some confusion in my life. All of them are about how to take healthy ownership over our lives, and knowing what we are responsible for and what we are not. I grew up in a household where I learned that I was expected to bear...
  2. Rembrandtfan

    Only Child

    We had a Thanksgiving get-together at our house the other day for DH's side of the family, and an interesting conversation came up. My stepson (I'll call him SS29) and his wife (I'll call her SDIL) are expecting their fourth child. SDIL, my stepdaughter, and I were talking and SDIL was...
  3. Rembrandtfan

    Avatar question

    Not sure where else to post this. I am trying to change my avatar, with a new background and adding a male character. I go into "edit avatar" make my changes then when I hit "save" it says that I have too many items and that I need to sell some of them. I thought that with all the new...
  4. Rembrandtfan

    Cooking for two - or one

    How do you do it? Any good tips or recipes? I have a tendency to make too much and then we get sick of it and throw some of it away because it ends up going bad. I am trying to freeze what I can, but I am not sure of what all freezes well and what doesn't. I like the idea of doing this...
  5. Rembrandtfan

    The Bible and Contraception

    I came across this video from Cloud-Townsend resources and thought you might find it interesting. This is one of my favorite ministries. They are very sensible and balanced on all the issues that concern us.
  6. Rembrandtfan

    I'm so thankful

    I was posting in another thread about how I have time to do Jazzercise 4-5 times a week because I don't have kids, and my husband and job are not demanding. It made me think of how thankful I am that being childfree allows me to have time for myself. I am especially thankful right now because...
  7. Rembrandtfan

    I had my surgery

    I had it on Monday the 27th, and I'm doing great. The surgery took 2 hours, and wasn't as bad as they thought it was going to be. I had no complications at all. I feel great, and I'm getting around very well. I'm off from work for at least 6 weeks, so I'll have some time to spend on CF.
  8. Rembrandtfan

    I'm Back

    Hadn't been here for a while due to computer problems. Hope everyone is well. Update: I will be having a hysterectomy in about a month because of some large fibroids. This is the first surgery I've ever had in my life and have always been blessed with perfect health, so I'm a little...
  9. Rembrandtfan

    How to handle a tantrum I love this episode of the Andy Griffith Show. Has anyone seen it before? I like Andy's method of handling Opie's tantrum.
  10. Rembrandtfan

    Saving Gas

    What do you do for entertainment or other (like errands and such) that cuts down or eliminiates driving?
  11. Rembrandtfan

    Baby and pet food

    I was at the grocery the other day and got to thinking about what people did before there was Gerber and Science Diet. I assume mothers fed their babies mashed and strained food, and the dog or cat was fed leftovers. Does anyone do thiat in this day and age, to save money? Or do you think the...
  12. Rembrandtfan

    No means No

    How do you handle it when you try to politely tell someone "no", but they won't accept it and persist?
  13. Rembrandtfan

    Newborns and Meal Preparation

    When you had a newborn, how did you and your spouse handle meal preparations the first few weeks? Did anyone bring you meals or stay with you for a few weeks to help out? Did the husband do the cooking? Did you order takeout or stock your freezer ahead of time? If you had no one to help...
  14. Rembrandtfan


    For those of you who is the less naturally affectionate spouse - what I'm referring to is the desire to touch, hug, kiss, etc. - what do you do to motivate yourself to meet your spouse's need for affection?
  15. Rembrandtfan

    Tired of this

    Is it just me, or does it seem like Christianity is full of people who feel threatened by anyone who sees things differently than they do? People who must always be right? It seems to me that there are too many in leadership who are like this. Childfree is just one of these things, that some...
  16. Rembrandtfan

    Anybody know?

    Where the term "bingo" originated from?
  17. Rembrandtfan

    So stupid it's funny

    Just thought I'd share this because it's so goofy it makes me laugh. Yesterday DH and I were trying to meet up with SS and DIL so that DH could see his grandkids. DH was talking to DIL on the phone to discuss time and place, and DIL was naming off all the things she had to do first. One of...
  18. Rembrandtfan


    What do you think of prenups? Is it ever a good idea in certain circumstances? I have mixed feelings about them. On one hand: You and your spouse are one. Everything you have, you share together. This is regardless of whether it is your first, second, or third marriage. You cannot...
  19. Rembrandtfan

    What is an "unselfish" life?

    What do you think this looks like?
  20. Rembrandtfan

    Have you read this?

    I have been debating whether to post this or not, but here goes. I chose not to include a link because it contains a graphic word. But if you google "Spirituality: The Crisis Within The Childfree Community" you will find the article I am referring to. Warning: Parents if you read this...