Search results

  1. ciaradawn

    Bible History book suggestion?

    I would like to do some reading on how the Bible came to be; any suggestions on a good book?
  2. ciaradawn


    Hey all... I've been a member of CF for awhile but haven't been on lately. I used to attend campmeeting as a kid but just went to the one in Bozeman Montana just last week and it was wonderful. Sitting in on all the 'classes' and sermons as an adult was a different experience and I loved it...
  3. ciaradawn


    Hey all... I've been a member of CF for awhile but haven't been on lately. I used to attend campmeeting as a kid but just went to the one in Bozeman Montana just last week and it was wonderful. Sitting in on all the 'classes' and sermons as an adult was a different experience and I loved it...
  4. ciaradawn

    anyone do calligraphy?

    I want to learn to do calligraphy and what I really want is to take a class from someone but I can't find a class so I'm kindof teaching myself. Anyone else do it? Suggestions on the best way to learn?
  5. ciaradawn

    thinking about getting pregnant

    Hi everyone! DH and I are thinking about getting pregnant for the first time. I know that you can never really prepare for a child, but I just wanted some imput. Maybe what you wished you knew or what you wished you'd done. DH and I want to save up some money beforehand. We don't want to rush...
  6. ciaradawn

    tough teens and parenting

    Hi all! This is my first time posting in the parenting section. I usually stick to marriage ministry and women's discussion. My husband and I do not have any kids but I have something I wanted to discuss and think this is the best place for it. I just wanted to get some other people's opinions...
  7. ciaradawn

    anyone reading the Twilight series?

    I read the first book and I've started on the second. I really like them
  8. ciaradawn

    Sex & the City

    please mark your SPOILERS! Has anyone else watched it yet? I just saw it lastnight and I thought it was really great!!! :clap: FYI, there is nudity for anyone that wanted to know.
  9. ciaradawn

    Narnia - Prince Caspian

    Comes out May 16! I'm so excited!!! :clap:
  10. ciaradawn

    I Am Legend

    *SPOILERS* I just saw it. It was good but sad :cry: I cried at the part with the dog. I heard that the book was COMPLETELY different; a whole different story. I think I might've liked the way they did the book better, but I guess they weren't trying to do that kind of movie. I was...
  11. ciaradawn

    21 - the movie I want to see it soooooooooooo bad!!! It comes out tomorrow! It's a true story except that he didn't need the money for school. :tutu: wooooooooooooo! so excited! Kevin Spacey:swoon:
  12. ciaradawn

    wife of an abuser... I'm new to this

    I've never posted about this before and I could use some words of encouragement. A couple nights ago DH was acting really weird. Distant, cool, he would say nonsense sentences, when I looked him in the eyes he was blank & almost confused, he didn't respond when I would ask questions. I knew...
  13. ciaradawn

    Looking for some Job Insight! Help!

    Thanks in advance! I know this is long but I appreciate any feedback. Ok I'll try to explain... Several weeks ago I applied for a part time job (about 10 hours per week) working as a support counselor. Basically I would be working with children with mental disabilities (3 hours at a time, 3...
  14. ciaradawn

    I have a job question! Help!

    *oops! I just realized I should've put this in the dependent's forum! oh well! Check there if you want to see... I'm gonna go post it there* Thanks!
  15. ciaradawn

    Is anyone else a member? I'm ciaradawn on there if you want to look me up! It's a really great website. It's a great place if you want to get used books and not pay $14 for a book & all the books have to be in good condition.
  16. ciaradawn

    Canterbury's Law

    Is anyone planning on watching this? It premiers tonight on Fox. I think I'm gonna watch it and see if I like it.
  17. ciaradawn

    Top Chef

    Is anyone else an addict? I'm so excited! March 12th, 9pm central! :clap:
  18. ciaradawn

    Dirt on FX

    Does anyone else watch this? I love it and I'm so excited for season 2 this Sunday!!!
  19. ciaradawn

    Dave Ramsey's total money makeover

    I was wondering if anyone else had read his book or listened to his cds. My aunt gave us the starter package for Christmas; it has all the cds and a book and some other stuff. It's pretty awesome. I was hoping we could discuss it. He has some pretty great ideas...
  20. ciaradawn

    a question for the guys

    I've been reading a lot of threads lately about "men's wandering eyes"... and I wanted to get some guys' opinions on the matter. (ladies, chime in as well if you like!). I was always under the impression that it's what is in the man's head that matters; not whether or not he noticed a pretty...