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  1. RefrusRevlis

    Been away a while, things have changed

    I haven't been around much on Christian forums in the last 2 or 3 years and have noticed a big difference with the attitudes and positions of those posting. It is, frankly, hard to tell the Restoration group from the non-denominational group. It used to be that this was a forum mainly for...
  2. RefrusRevlis

    Not the only Christians?

    I was thinking about the statement: "There is a very small percentage of RM believers who believe that only RM believers are true Christians, but this is not a popular view." and wondered to what extent this represents the belief of the users. Refrus
  3. RefrusRevlis

    Jesus is God's Unique Son

    (John 5:17-18) The significance of this passage is often overlooked. The English is not as clear as the Greek. The words "his father" are the Greek πατέρα ἴδιον (patera idion). Idion is a form of idios, which is described by Strong's...
  4. RefrusRevlis

    Neither Diamonds nor the Earth are Forever

    I thought I would start a new thread. I posted this in another thread, but thought as it was at a tangent to a lot of what was being discussed, I would make a new thread: Regarding the idea that the world will abide "forever" and that there is an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his...
  5. RefrusRevlis


    Is it just me, or does anyone else find it ironic that the Non-Denominational subcategory is listed under Denominations?<:confused::o:D Refrus
  6. RefrusRevlis

    The Law of Moses is Finished (Woo Hoo)!

    The Law of Moses has passed (Woo hoo). In many previous threads there have been attempts to try to show that either it has not passed, or bits of it have not passed away. Here is a brief survey and commentary on what the scriptures say, specifically about "covenant" and "law". Firstly a...
  7. RefrusRevlis

    Matthew 28:19 - what formula?

    In another thread the authenticity of the words: Go &#65279;therefore and &#65279;make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, &#65279; was questioned. Quite convincingly the case for the authenticity was stated and...
  8. RefrusRevlis

    When that which is perfect has come

    I have started this thread as a result of some great points raised in another thread. I feel this matter was a little buried as the other thread was primarily about something else: To what does the "perfect" in 1 Corinthians 13:10 refer? It is important to consider this as it has a direct...
  9. RefrusRevlis

    Silence - what is it?

    There seems to be different ideas about what exactly silence is. It seems not a few people include implication with silence, ie unless there is an explicit statement, then there is silence. I am of the view that the scriptures teach explicitly and implicitly and that silence is where there is no...
  10. RefrusRevlis

    Speaking in Tongues- did all in the NT do it?

    The issue of speaking in tongues has come up in a few threads I have participated in, but these were to some degree off-subject, so I thought it would be good to start a thread on the subject. It has been asserted that all Christians should speak in tongues. The objection I have to this is...
  11. RefrusRevlis

    What do you mean "Non-denominational"?

    I am wondering about the groups who regard themselves as non-denominational, there seem to be a lot of different meanings attached the the phrase. I have seen the word used to mean: Pan-denominational (we will fellowship with everybody, or at least most people) Sub-denominational (when we get...
  12. RefrusRevlis

    How Does the Holy Spirit Indwell?

    After studying the issue of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit some time ago, I came to the conclusion that the Holy Spirit indwells Christians through the word of God. By this I mean he dwells in our hearts and minds when the word of God does and does not dwell in us separately from the word...
  13. RefrusRevlis

    How many cups?

    I thought I would post my first thread about an issue raised in another thread and in particular, related to the following quote: The congregation of which I am a member uses one cup in the celebration of the Lord's Supper. We do it because that is what we believe Jesus did when he established...