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  1. Cosmic Charlie

    The 45th President wants to be Hitler

    ...and does anyone really care anymore? AP News story: Newsweek has the ad (See the subhead lines at 5 seconds and 28 seconds)...
  2. Cosmic Charlie

    Davidnic - Anybody know what happened to him ? No activity since 2021 and a private profile.

    Just check out the old homestead. Davy, baby - Where you been ?
  3. Cosmic Charlie

    Hey Mich -

    I know it's none of my business but what do you do for a living ? I mean this poor little forum of ours is fallen on hard times It's just 100 pages of you with no one commenting on any of your posts. Are you a bot ? Just asking. You know, old times sake and that sort of thing.
  4. Cosmic Charlie

    The Forward magazine goes full NAZI rule on the Trump administration

    The Forward - The Jewish magazine of record in the US since 1897 is comparing Trump to Hitler. Opinion | Yes, You Should Be Comparing Trump to Hitler
  5. Cosmic Charlie

    Interrogatory on the Book of Revelation

    This is an embarrassing question for me because I should know the answer. What is the Catholic position on Revelation ? I've always thought it was that it's an excellence of example of apocalyptic literature written about Christian peoples in difficult times. The thing about this is that...
  6. Cosmic Charlie

    Where in the world is Melania Trump ?

    Three weeks ago she went to Walter Reed for a minor operation that takes 24 hours from which to recover. No one has seen her since. Personally I didn't care much until yesterday's tweet supposed sent by her. Guys that's was NOT written by the First Lady. She's smart, articulate and doesn't...
  7. Cosmic Charlie

    CBS has had it with Roseanne

    I did not see this one coming. Confession: I didn't watch Roseanne in it's original incarnation and tried very hard to avoid it in the current (well, recent I guess) one. No reason, just not interested. I understand it was REALLY popular and was already greenlighted for a second season...
  8. Cosmic Charlie

    Woman who shot Wichita abortion doctor, bombed clinics in 1990s released from prison

    Woman who shot Wichita abortion doctor, bombed clinics in 1990s released from prison
  9. Cosmic Charlie

    God bless Senator John McCain

    I take back all the bad things I've said about you since forcing Sarah Palin on our country. Say it with me: Obamacare Obamacare O B A M A C A R E Murkowski, Collins, McCain. Three Senators who will going down in history along with the likes of Clair Engle (google him - he should be...
  10. Cosmic Charlie

    Orgies in the Vatican

    What's our collective take on this ? I can't trace it back to a source I'm inclined to trust. The newspaper orginially reporting it seem to be Aussie and Kiwi. This is thing fake or real ? More trouble for The Vatican
  11. Cosmic Charlie

    When I'm wrong I say I'm wrong....

    I've oft time said (and I'm paraphrasing myself) Well, I was wrong. This Senate "health care" bill, which is really a Trillion dollar tax cut/wealth transfer to 400 people (the .01%) is, apparently, several steps over the line. Yes it will unfund Planned Parenthood. Yes it ensures that...
  12. Cosmic Charlie

    Covfefe Billy Gibbon's quote "Always play it in the key of G-Demolished" you either get it or you don't
  13. Cosmic Charlie

    The 4 riders of the Apocalypse

    Not here to bash the Pope, Trump or anyone else but am I the only one who saw the picture of what was sure to be an awkward meeting and thought: War, Famine, Pestilence and Death ?
  14. Cosmic Charlie

    So, That time I almost died.....

    Actually it was 10 days ago. So I wake up Saturday morning, I’m going to go up North to my friends cabin, play some golf, have my kids do some work around the place, you know the usual Minnesota weekend adventure. I’m in the shower when I feel my heart start to race, no reason, just doing it...
  15. Cosmic Charlie

    A time to keep: The November 1990 edition of Life Magazine.

    On another forum someone asked the old people what it was like for gay people in the latter part of the 20th Century and when things started to changed. I'm an old guy and I remember the exact instant things started to change. Since 1990 Life Magazine has died, been resurrected and died...
  16. Cosmic Charlie

    Am I a member of Anonymous ?

    Maybe. Do I know who "Severa" is ? Well, duh. But I bet you, dear reader do not. "Peter Severa", "Peter the Great", the guy who invented the cyberbot. Pyotr Levashov - Number 7 on Spamhaus's most hated hacker's list - and the only Russian on the list. Did I know he was rich beyond...
  17. Cosmic Charlie

    Honestly I'm only posting this for one reason: I love when people use the term "Train Wreck"

    I think it's just an amusing term. I don't know why, it makes me laugh - so sue me. LA Times Editorial Board Launches Scathing Series On 'Disastrous' Trump | The Huffington Post {giggle}
  18. Cosmic Charlie

    Why is 41 an important number ?

    Because it's one less then then the meaning of life ? Because it's a prime number ? Because it's 29 (hex) and 00101001 (bin) ? Possibly. But in this case it mean Neil (Mr. Freeze) Gorsuch will need to walk through a fallout zone to get to get to Merrick Garland's stolen Supreme court seat...
  19. Cosmic Charlie

    Are things a little bit goofed here on the fourm or is it me ?

    CF doesn't seem to be acting correctly. A little slow and a little janky. Like it's having trouble handling it's own database. or is it just me ?
  20. Cosmic Charlie

    Are things a little bit goofed here on the fourm or is it me ?

    CF doesn't seem to be acting correctly. A little slow and a little janky, like it's having trouble handling it's own database or is it just me ?