Search results

  1. sdmsanjose

    Greatest people of Great Britian and America

    Greatest people as polled by the public of Great Britain and America; is something wrong? The United Kingdom Public, in 2002, had very poor priorities. It seems that the feelings and fantasies of the people of the United Kingdom lead them to not be able to judge the facts. The people of the...
  2. sdmsanjose

    DUGGERS and 3 questions

    By SDMSANJOSE 1. I do not know much about the Duggers except that I just read a little on Wikipedia. They seem to be a very conservative Christian family that seems to present a very high moral standard. Josh’s sex issue is sure to disgust many. The loss of Josh’s job and cancellation of the...
  3. sdmsanjose

    Mexico drug wars and the USA

    Three-hour gun battle leaves 43 dead in Mexican cartel territory ECUANDUREO, Mexico (AP) — The latest in a series of clashes between Mexican authorities and a powerful, fast-growing drug cartel turned...
  4. sdmsanjose


    I got a private message in the CF mail box from a person calling themselves FAVOR. They wanted to talk privately in an email so I foolishly gave my email to this person. I thought that it may contain some Christian issues as we are on a Christian Forums. Reprinted below is what I got and it...
  5. sdmsanjose

    Generations ad their contribution to society and family life

    Research has created a tidy series of interactive graphics to describe the demographic characteristics of American generational cohorts from the Silent Generation (born 1928 – 1945) through the Boomers (born 1946 – 1964), Generation X (1965 – 1980) [this is a disputed age range – a more recent...
  6. sdmsanjose

    America and war

    Has America become a little bit too much of a warring nation in the last 150 years (excluding WW2)?
  7. sdmsanjose

    Bible vs Science and RedPonyDriver

    RPD, The Bible vs Science debates can go on forever. Seems like they both have good points. However, I wanted to respond to your interest in Christians that believe in the Bible. For me the Bible is not a science book and was never intended for that purpose. The science people can ask...
  8. sdmsanjose

    What does God expect from the Government for His people?

    It surprises me when I hear Bible believing Christians rant about how the government should not be providing food and medical care for the citizens. especially here in the USA where we have been so blessed to have so much food and money. These Christians will point out their disgust with the...
  9. sdmsanjose

    What Do You Think?

    What do you think? First a thank you to the Mods for allowing the thread “Discussion on Submission” to be discussed by the members. I am very liberal when it comes to discussions by mature adults of scriptures. However, I am more concerned about some of the words of the linked...
  10. sdmsanjose

    Dating, marriage, divorce and social norms; is America’s the best?

    Dating, marriage, divorce and social norms; is America’s the best? I recently had a discussion with a man from India. He made some statements about dating and marriage. He stated that patriarchal societies have a 2% divorce rate and talked about social norms and arranged marriages. I have...
  11. sdmsanjose

    Forgiveness...SPECFIC actions

    Forgiveness SPECIFIC actions I read on another forum (secular) where they are discussing forgiveness. A summary is that a husband cheated on his wife and she has divorced him even though he is remorseful and did everything that he could to make it up to her. She is adamant that she is...
  12. sdmsanjose

    Mother’s Day Mom’s top characteristic

    Mother’s Day Mom’s top characteristic Mother’s day is coming I was just thinking if you could only use one or two words what would you say is at the top of your list of positive characteristics about your mom? I will go first Loyalty Although she has many very positive qualities...
  13. sdmsanjose

    VG-MK-Hetta-Apost34 some of the best but...

    VG-MK-Hetta-Apost34 ValleyGal MKgal Hetta Apostolic34 When I come to this forum I like to read your posts. However some of your debating on the Cliché’s and Platitudes thread seems to be getting a little too argumentative about an issue that everyone has made their points several times...
  14. sdmsanjose

    Un Pregunta?

    ¿Este es un lugar que wll ayudarme a aprender español?
  15. sdmsanjose


    Galatians 5:22-23 King James Version (KJV) 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Today in our church the Pastor mentioned Galatians 5, the Fruits of the Spirit. I thought I knew...
  16. sdmsanjose

    Man and contentment--What do you think of Martin?

    On another thread I posted a story about my part time employee, Martin. Valleygal asked me to ask Martin about his secret to NOT harbor resentment and bitterness. I am reprinting below the original story and then my answer to ValleyGal ValleyGal I talked to Martin today...
  17. sdmsanjose

    Employees terminate income from their bosses?

    Employees terminate income from their bosses? 10-1-2013 The annual salaries of the President, Senate, and House of Representatives are over $93,000,000 per year; that is 93 Million! That does not include the salaries of their staff and other positions that are paid to maintain the Senate and...
  18. sdmsanjose

    Christian tools for life and marriage

    Christian tools for life and marriage Today the pastor at my church talked about the SWORD that is mentioned in Ephesians 6 The sword is the “Spirit of the WORD of God quickened and made alive.” A few scriptures that were given were: 2nd Peter Chapter 1 20 Above all, you must understand...
  19. sdmsanjose

    A Biblical response

    A Biblical Response First, I want to thank Motherprayer for her question reprinted below. Secondly, I have tried to reprint the posts that gave a biblical response with scriptures. Scriptures have the most authority and so I think that the posts by the people below have provided us with very...
  20. sdmsanjose

    Relationships can be a matter of life and death

    September 13, 2012 Déjà I think that relationships and marriage plays a huge part in life. I hope that this post will somehow do some good in those areas. I got to know Déjà when she was my son’s girlfriend. My son helped her raise her little girl Rachel for a few years. Déjà...