Search results

  1. dlamberth

    Milky Way last major collusion

    “We get wrinklier as we age, but our work reveals that the opposite is true for the Milky Way. It’s a sort of cosmic Benjamin Button, getting less wrinkly over time,” said Donlon, lead author of the new Gaia study, which also served as his doctoral thesis at Rensselaer. “By looking at how these...
  2. dlamberth

    First Light

    Here's an interesting article from NASA that explores first light after the Big Bang. "Until around a few hundred million years or so after the Big Bang, the universe was a very dark place. There were no stars, and there were no galaxies. After the Big Bang, the universe was like a hot soup...
  3. dlamberth

    Before the Big Bang

    This just came across my feed. Before the Big Bang, there was no up there was no down there was no side to side. There was no up there was...
  4. dlamberth

    Why Don’t Humans Have Tails?

    "To find out how and why humans lost their tails, Xia and his colleagues examined the early stages of embryonic development, during which certain genes are switched on and off. Those genes control the formation of different parts of a skeleton. Scientists had already identified several genes...
  5. dlamberth

    The Rocky Mounntains

    The Rocky Mountains are a major mountain range spanning from northern New Mexico in the southwestern United States to northern British Columbia, Canada. While they subdivide into many smaller ranges and can vary by source, at a high level they can be divided into seven large sections: Far...
  6. dlamberth

    Earth's earliest forest: fossilized trees and vegetation-induced sedimentary structures from the Middle Devonian

    "Fossilized trees discovered by chance in southwest England belong to Earth's earliest-known forest, new research has found. The 390 million-year-old fossils supplant the Gilboa fossil forest in New York state, which dates back 386 million years, as the world's oldest known forest." Fossilized...
  7. dlamberth

    45000 year old site in China

    "The results of the study, which dates the cultural layer at Shiyu to a period between 45,800 and 43,200 years ago, reveal an Initial Upper Palaeolithic (IUP) archaeological assemblage. This assemblage includes laminar technology, Levallois points, tanged and hafted projectile points, tools made...
  8. dlamberth

    Jurassic 'mist wing' fossil discovered on Scottish island could be missing link in pterosaur evolution

    "Surprise discovery of 168-million-year-old pterosaur in rocks on Isle of Skye will help scientists narrow down major events in the evolution of these flying reptiles." Jurassic 'mist wing' fossil discovered on Scottish island could be missing link in pterosaur evolution Here's a link to the...
  9. dlamberth

    45,000 year old bones unearthed are oldest modern-human remains in central Europe

    More information coming to light on the early migration of Human Beings. "Earliest Homo sapiens fossils found north of the Alps The style of stone tool found at Ranis has also been discovered elsewhere across Europe, from Moravia and eastern Poland to the British Isles, according to the...
  10. dlamberth

    ‘Landmark paper’ shows why ice age Europeans wore jewelry

    Human migration I find very interesting. "Pendants and beads reveal nine cultures living across the continent 30,000 years ago"
  11. dlamberth

    1.6-billion-year-old fossils push back origin of multicellular life by tens of millions of years

    "The fossils date back more than 1.6 billion years, which is around 70 million years earlier than scientists previously thought multicellularity arose, according to a new study published Jan. 24 in the journal Science Advances." 1.6-billion-year-old fossils push back origin of multicellular...
  12. dlamberth

    Homo naledi, your recently discovered human relative

    "Homo naledi highlights, once again, that we can't think of human evolution in terms of ape-like ancestors gradually evolving more modern features in a linear fashion. Instead, multiple human species evolved in parallel and coexisted, sometimes side-by-side." Homo naledi, your recently...
  13. dlamberth

    North America during the Campanian of the Upper Cretaceous, ~75 million years ago

    Copied from "All Things Dinosaurs". North America during the Campanian of the Upper Cretaceous, ~75 million years ago. Shown are the island-continents of Laramidia, Appalachia, Laurentia (attached to Appalachia at this time by an isthmus), and Greenland. The Western Interior Seaway would rise...
  14. dlamberth

    ALMA telescope spies a supermassive black hole’s spinning disk

    Pretty cool... "Astronomers have used the ALMA telescope in northern Chile to image a rotating dusty gas torus around an active supermassive black hole in a distant galaxy." "Astronomers have been talking for decades about supermassive black holes – with compact, gaseous disks around them – at...
  15. dlamberth

    The James Webb telescope has broken cosmology. Can it be fixed?

    "For decades, measurements of the universe's expansion have suggested a disparity known as the Hubble tension, which threatens to break cosmology as we know it. Now, on the eve of its second anniversary, a new finding by the James Webb Space Telescope has only entrenched the mystery." After 2...
  16. dlamberth

    DNA from cave mud

    "Neandertal DNA recovered from cave mud reveals that these ancient humans spread across Eurasia in two different waves." Neandertal DNA from cave mud shows waves of migration across Eurasia | Science News
  17. dlamberth

    How many times have the planets circled the sun?

    I've not thought of the other planets in this way. FYI: There's a chart at the end of the article that paints a new perspective for me. How many times has Earth orbited the sun?
  18. dlamberth

    New genes found that can arise 'from nothing'

    "The emergence of new genes from nothing has fascinated researchers. We now have an elegant model for the evolution of RNA genes," New genes found that can arise 'from nothing'
  19. dlamberth

    First direct image of another planetary system located about 300 light-years away.

    You're looking at the first direct image of another planetary system located about 300 light-years away around a star like our Sun. First Ever Image of a Multi-Planet System around a Sun-like Star Captured by ESO Telescope
  20. dlamberth

    40 amazing facial reconstructions, from Stone Age shamans to King Tut

    "People from the past have left behind a treasure trove of clues about their lives — from enormous monuments to fragments of personal items, as well as the bones of the people themselves. But the people who left these clues are often a mystery. Now, thanks to modern scientific techniques and...