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  1. F

    Please pray

    I am going through some stuff (the details of which I would rather not go into). It is hard and there are times (becoming more and more frequent) when giving up would seem so much easier. I know this to be a lie. Your support in prayer would be much appreciated.
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    Spoiled two year old

    I have been having a pretty rough time of things recently one way and another. Most unfortunately I think was self inflicted. So when finally I brought the stuff to God (hold off sometimes) in essence (lovingly of course) God basically told me that I had been behaving like a spoiled two year...
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    Read and pray,23739,23525364-952,00.html What astounds me most about this is that they do not even have the backing of their own church. If we continue to accept such things in our society Christians will have only themselves to blame when there are no Christian...
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    Christianity vs religion

    Just thought I would see what other peoples views on this one are: What would you say are the differences between true Christianity which is a pleasing sacrifice to God and religious practice which nothing but dross?
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    When you know you were adicted

    I just realized how addicted to forums I must have been. I have not been in here now for months may even be nigh on a year save but once or twice for thirty seconds...and what do I find? My health is still 100%. Was I addicted or what?
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    Response to Irene

    Irene, I hope you don't mind my starting this thread but I did not want to detract from the glory given to God in your thread so thought it best to start this one so that if people do disagree and decide to argue (hope they won't but I see the potential) then your thread still praises our God...
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    All Animals named on the same day!

    Wow haven't been around here in ages and things seemed to have changed a bit. Thought I might post this just for interest. Obviously it does not affect salvation but just love interest stuff like this. Did you know that all the animals were named on the same day? Consider this: Fact 1: Adam...
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    Anonymous Blessings

    Thank you to the anonymous blesser. I really do appreciate your kindness.
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    Old testament references to Jesus

    I was hoping you guys would be willing to help me. I am doing an assignment for college proving that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. I have taken the approach that this can be seen Biblically on two levels: Prophetically and also in reflections of things to come (eg. Isaac being offered on the...
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    If you had the best reputation points...

    :scratch: If you had the best reputation points on the forum what would that mean? :idea: Warning: This not meant to be a serious thread but one for some amusement. Be creative in your answers and enjoy.
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    Prayer thread for Australia and New Zealand

    Just a thread where we can pray corperately for our nations - australians for Australia and New Zealanders for New Zealand. I will start Lord we thank you that you have provided us nation where there is freedom but Lord I pray that that freedom will not be against you. I pray for those in...
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    Do full faith believing people have to die?

    To my understanding of divine health if we have divine health than we cannot die (at least not of natural causes). So if we die of a natural cause then does that mean that we lacked faith? What do you think
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    Why am I the only one posting at the moment?

    Is that because I am the only important one with an opinion :D :P
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    How do you deal with a hard day?

    Just a thought I had today...Today was a bit of rough day. How do other Christians work their way through a tough day and what do they do after? You see today started with my first class suddenly being pulled out from under me (I am on a contract at the moment which started yesterday) becuase...
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    God's working on me

    Over the few weeks I have been down here God has been doing stuff (obvious like). Anyway over the last week it seems that God is so intent on seeing me grow that nothing else matters. Feel rather special. Until he pinpoints things continually and you're in a meeting and you feel like...
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    I was wrong

    Hi guys. I don't know how many of you remember a thread a while back on whether or not God can lie. I argued that God could indeed lie but that he did not. I was very wrong. God can't lie. sorry to you all for expressing what was not truth.
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    Cruisamatics and Petticostals

    Before I begin I will admit that the above phrase I borrowed from someone else but it so well sums up what I want to talk about. For the spirit filled Church it is so easy for us to become settled in our way of life. I'm saved, I go to church etc. We can easily begin to cruise through on what...
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    Come and Join me

    Monday week (5th March) I have been on cf a year :clap: Come and Join me then to celebrate all you wonderful people.
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    Remember: You ARE Loved

    Sadly as I read many of the posts here the dim glimpse I get of the posters is that of people who really struggle with accpting that they are loved. Not everyone (obviously) but many. I am just writing to assure you all that God loves you so much that he sent his son for you to die and bear...
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    Fun Bible Tongue Twisters?

    What are some tongue twisters that you know. Try this one: Say as fast as you can: Irish wrist watch Or Can you imagine an imaginary managerie manager, managing an imaginary managerie?