Search results

  1. justanobserver

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday to the United States Marines Corps!! To all gyrenes/jarheads/leathernecks - past, present and future, today the Corps is 232 yrs old. "There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and those who have met them in battle. Everyone else has a...
  2. justanobserver

    Howdy (an update)

    This my 3rd attempt to post a thread here! (am on dial up....) Its Been a long road. My faith/walk took a beating (I still got spiritual bruises all over) but I still beleive and give thanks to Him for helping me despite, to my shame, my lack of faith when I neded faith more than anything...
  3. justanobserver

    The Veteran

    My pastor sent me this the other day and i wanted to share it with those that can appreciate it. Being a veteran, I also can appreciate whats written here. To all you who have served and are still serving, I salute you and thank you for your service, regardless of the country and flag...
  4. justanobserver

    The Gratitude Campaign

    My sister (she is a veteran) sent this to me and I wanted to share it here. Its called the Gratitude Campaign.
  5. justanobserver

    Good News

    Re-took my physical, well, the physical agility portion this morning at Tracy Defence Depot nearby for a job. I passed and just got the notification in the email from DLA that I start next Monday morning as a federal employee. And since this is federal, I can use my active duty time to go...
  6. justanobserver

    Purpose of the Military Forum (21 Aug 07)

    Thought maybe since some old issues seem to be reappearing, I figured to repost the Purpose of this section in case some forgot or dont know what it is. We here in Military were promised that the problems and issues in the past were not gong to happen anymore. I was a Mod here in Military (and...
  7. justanobserver

    The Meaning of Semper Fidelis

    I came across this today while googling for something else and enjoyed reading the history behind the Marine Corps motto Semper Fidelis.
  8. justanobserver

    T-Shirts That Say Something

    Any one into t-shirts that have witty, silly, sarcastic, funny, whatever, comments on them? You got a favorite one or two or three or more you like to wear? I got one a couple months ago at wally world: "Your not yourself today...I noticed the improvement immediately." another one I got a...
  9. justanobserver

    Ever Wonder if...

    maybe your past is such that you may not be desirable or "wantable" for a relationship? I was talking with a friend the other day and while we was talking about things in our pasts that although one has moved progressed/advanced/recovered/rehabilitated/etc beyond it, the "stigma" of that past...
  10. justanobserver

    Need Suggestions

    Hey. Does anyone know of any good books concerning youth and alcohol/addictions and dealing with them in a church setting? I been helping out with my church's Youth Group this past month and am finding out there are teens in it that are 30 days sober, one is going NA, etc. Been making...
  11. justanobserver

    Substance Abuse Recovery Links

    Hi. This thread will be an ongoing post for links pertaining to Substance Abuse. There is similiar one for Alcohol Abuse found here. Nacotics Anonymous Search for NA Meeting Locations Celebrate Recovery...
  12. justanobserver

    The Twelve Steps Of Narcotics Anonymous With Bible Referrance

    1. We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable. "I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." (Romans 7:18) 2. We came to believe that a Power...
  13. justanobserver

    The Serenity Prayer

    Was going thru a folder in my comouter and came across the Serenity Prayer - the full prayer. Am posting here as it is for everyone one in recovery. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference...
  14. justanobserver

    Gwenyfur Moderator Application. Q&A

    Hi, Gwenyfur would like to be a forum specific mod for military. She'll remain as a Theology mod but if voted in she would have authority to act as a mod in the Military forum. Please use this thread to ask any questions.
  15. justanobserver

    Gwenyfur Military forum specific Moderator Application Poll

    Gwenyfur would like to be a forum specific mod for military, a question and answer thread can be found here. Please ask all questions in that thread, only post in this thread if you wish to change your vote.
  16. justanobserver

    Death of a friend's son

    Just got off the phone with another member of my Small Group that I belong to (we meet between church services). The Group Leader Ben, his son, who is also named Ben was killed tonight in a motocycle wreck. Our pastor is at the hospital right now with Ben and his wife. They have a daughter...
  17. justanobserver

    Need to Relocate

    Hi. Am a new christian and new to this particular section of Forums. Just found out a couple days ago my roomate went got married and the last day for him here is 1 Dec. So, I either need to finsd another roomate or, preferably, move to another place. this neighborhood is bad, I mean bad. I...
  18. justanobserver

    You Know Your From California If:

    I got this posted down in the Regional threads but thought y'all might like to read it up here in Humour. My mom sent this to me a while back (I still live here in CA) - although she now resides in WA, she was a native Californian borned and raised. I thought is was kinda funny. enjoy. :)...
  19. justanobserver

    Author spends a year obeying every rule in Bible

    [B][SIZE=2] The first thing that came to my mind besides promoting his book, was, ummmm, why???
  20. justanobserver

    Alcohol Recovery Links

    I will be putting together a list of links for Alcohol recovery and it will be in the sticky section of Alcohol Abuse. It will consist of links to the sites of AA, Al Anon, Celebrate Recovery etc. for quick referrance and for everyone to use. I will be putting this together over the next few...