Search results

  1. Erinwilcox

    Silence and Prayer?

    A very dear friend of mine told me a while back that his wife was very ill, and she passed away recently. From my years of knowing him, I am fairly certain that my friend is not a Christian (he was one of my music professors several years back and was very "new agey") and I didn't know his wife...
  2. Erinwilcox


    Growing up, our church began teaching the catechism in middle school Sunday School. Recently our current church had promotion Sunday, and all of these little six year olds got up and went through quite a bit of the catechism. You want to talk about one of the sweetest, most humbling sights...
  3. Erinwilcox

    Would You?

    My husband and I were talking the other night about "being Reformed" and how it used to be the end all be all of our existence but now, while being at the very core of what we believe, we are much more inclined to embrace wholly those who are truly saved in other denominations as Christians with...
  4. Erinwilcox

    First Holy Communion

    Would you go? My husband's family is all Roman Catholic, and his cousin's first holy communion is next Saturday. We are expected to be in attendance. Aside from the fact that I disagree 100% with the RC doctrine of transubstantiation and the Eucharist, I feel that it is also dangerous for...
  5. Erinwilcox

    Please Pray

    The closer my due date comes, the more terrified I am of what life after the baby is born will be like. The kicker is that it has nothing to do with the baby herself and EVERYTHING to do with my MIL. DH says that she just has empty nest syndrome and that she is used to all of his past...
  6. Erinwilcox

    Don't Touch Me!

    Anyone else feel like yelling this?!? I HATE having my stomach rubbed, felt, prodded, etc, even by family. Some people feel like they can just come up and touch my belly whenever they want. Now that you can feel baby kicks from the outside, it happens even more frequently. It's awkward...
  7. Erinwilcox


    After all of the issues, pain, and tears that we have been through regarding our old church, we are FINALLY becoming members of a new congregation! We met with the session this past Sunday, and we will be formally received into the membership this week! It is so amazing to be once again...
  8. Erinwilcox

    It's REAL!!!! GRrrrrr

    So my morning sickness has me nauseated most of the time, but I've only thrown up about a dozen times. Because it has been so "easy" compared to some women that I know (constant vomiting), my husband seems to think that I'm FAKING it. He appears annoyed by my aversion to things that he...
  9. Erinwilcox


    As some of you may have noticed, I'm pregnant!! After being on bed rest for the past two weeks, we had a follow up ultrasound this morning. Our baby is growing, is healthy, and has a heartbeat of 144 BPM. It is amazing how a sense of God's power and an awe of His creation fills you when...
  10. Erinwilcox

    Concerned and . . . Bored

    I started spotting light brown over a week ago, and began light bleeding a day after. I freaked out and went to the doctor. A blood test on a Thursday gave me HCG levels of 6000, and then one this past Monday put me at 13,000. This past Thursday I had an ultrasound and saw the heartbeat...
  11. Erinwilcox

    Multiple tests?

    Hey! DH and I have been TTC since April. On Tuesday, I was on day 2 of a 1200 calorie diet, and I felt more hungry than ever before--like I was going to be sick. I was also late for my period. Just in case, I took a First Response HPT, and there were TWO lines! I am soooo excited! I've...
  12. Erinwilcox

    Music Ministry?

    We once again find ourselves going to a new church (we've been there for about four or five months) since a 45 minute "commute" was seriously inhibiting our ability to serve and participate in various parts of church life. Amazingly, we were blessed to find a solid, Reformed church just THREE...
  13. Erinwilcox

    Affirming before true faith?

    I've been attending Presbyterian churches for the past two and a half years, and it's been great. I love the continuity found in covenant theology, and I am thrilled with the emphasis on the family and on children. HOWEVER, I do have a question/concern that keeps nagging at me. Coming from...
  14. Erinwilcox

    Doug Wilson

    Sooo . . . not to open a can of worms . . . Many of our friends are "into" Doug Wilson, his teachings, etc. right now. I've always heard "things" about the New Pauline Perspective, but does anyone have any teachings FROM the NPP people where they teach it? We've been discussing it with...
  15. Erinwilcox


    I'm Presbyterian now. :D
  16. Erinwilcox

    Prayer Please!!

    Hey! Sooooo . . . I am collapsed on the sofa and getting ready to drag myself to bed after another super busy day. I believe that this has been the busiest week of my life. We all decorated the reception hall today because . . . :D:D:D I am getting married on...
  17. Erinwilcox

    For you oldies, this might make you laugh . . .

    For those of you who know me and remember all of the discussions that we used to have about baptism, you might be interested to know that I now attend a PCA church (and the pastor is OPC). :D I am still credo-baptist, but I have a high view of and appreciation for covenant theology and have...
  18. Erinwilcox

    My Blog

    I'm hoping to get on here more in a few weeks after school starts or in late July after the wedding (when I'll have a lot more time), but for now, I thought that I would post a link to my blog: www. Sometimes I journal my devotions, other times I pick an issue...
  19. Erinwilcox

    Ummm . . .

    Hey guys! Long time no see . . . What happened to the blogs? I just went back to check mine out for some info that I needed, and it's GONE! No posts!
  20. Erinwilcox

    Is anyone going . . .

    Hey! Boy have things been busy around here . . . but I'm FINALLY on spring break!! I was wondering if anyone is planning to attend (or knows anyone who will be) the New Attitude conference in May? I'm going to be going with some people from my church (we're not...