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  1. T

    First time in this section

    Hello, if you have read much in the section for all members, Questions by Non-Christians you have probably seen my name. My struggle comes from the fact that after 20+ years of refusing to accept Christianity, though I was always a believer, now people, especially here on this forum don't...
  2. T


    This is overdue but I've been pretty busy lately. A few months ago, I came to this site to talk about a topic in the music section. My wife and children were going to church every week without me. I decided to come into this section and ask about some problems I was having with Christianity, in...
  3. T


    This will eventually lead into a question. Many of you have seen my name on here, causing commotion usually. I never meant to cause any problems but somehow did. The way I seen it, most people thought I was trying to argue but that was not true. I was only trying to learn about some things that...
  4. T

    New question

    I've asked a few questions in the last couple of weeks. My questions usually are not answered. Instead I received sermons. So my question for today is, "Do you think that by not giving direct opinions to questions that you are going to help someone?" I have read through some recent questions by...
  5. T


    I started a thread titled, "Any answers would help", it is closed for review right now. What I am going to do here is ask some questions that I think need to be asked. I have found that I need to be very direct and explain each part so that everyone will understand. Before reading these, I am...
  6. T

    Thank You

    Some of you may have read my other topic, "Any answers would help". I came to this site at first about the whole Tool, Maynard James Keenan, April Fools prank but found myself wanting to ask a few questions. I promise this is a thank you so please do not be quick to jump to conclusions. Read in...
  7. T

    Any answers would help.

    I may be posting this in the wrong section. Please excuse me if I am. This may reach, epic, novel length and bare with my dry sense of humor. I'm one of those people who says they believe in Jesus but doesn't consider themselves a Christian. For one thing, I don't FEEL what I hear Christians...