RFK Jr. announces divorce from the Democratic Party, launches indy 2024 run


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Trump Lays Into RFK Jr. by Claiming ‘He’s Not Really an Anti-Vaxxer’

“RFK Jr. is a Democrat plant,” Trump said on Thursday in a video posted on Truth Social.

“So, Republicans, get it out of your mind that you’re going to vote for this guy because he’s conservative,” the former president said. “He’s not. And by the way, he said the other night that vaccines are fine. He said it on a show, a television show, that vaccines are fine. He’s all for them. And that’s what he said. And for those of you that want to vote because you think he’s an anti-vaxxer, he’s not really an anti-vaxxer.”
What an odd web this has turned into lol.

It would seem as if both major US parties have some concerns about RFK Jr taking some of their votes away. I've noticed that both conservative and liberal media outlets have been putting a disproportionate amount of of focus on him over this past month (for a guy they both dismissed a year ago and said "nah, it's fine, he'll take more votes from the other side").

Trumps doing this silly self-contradicting stuff (where he used to brag about "inventing the covid vaccines" -- as if he was in the lab working on them himself), and now trying to use "not anti-vaxxer enough" as pejorative...weird flex bro.

CNN is running pieces asking Sanjay Gupta about a parasitic infection RFK had 15 years ago and what potential cognitive impairment it can cause. (irony alert)

"He doesn't hold enough real conservative values, he's a democrat plant" - says the team that's currently backing a guy who's on trial for paying hush money to an adult film star, ran casinos into ground, and has cheated on multiple wives.

"That parasitic infection could've messed up his brain, we're concerned he's not playing with a full deck" -says that the team that's backing a guy who says "hermagerlobergroger...malarkey!" and then has to be pointed in the direction he's supposed to walk in to exit the stage.

I realize that people don't like RFK for his vaccine stances (I don't like his vaccine stances either) and covid turned that into a "red line issue" for some people...

But are we at a point where we can at least acknowledge the fact that the only reason why either party is worried about him is because they've both hitched their wagons to two particularly poor candidates?

Do you think anyone in 2012 would be talking about RFK Jr. at all when the two main choices were Obama and Romney? (two respectable candidates)

Say what you want about Romney, you didn't have to worry about an affair and payoffs to an adult film star
Say what you want about Obama, but he could string a sentence together and not look like a deer in the headlights
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Trumps doing this silly self-contradicting stuff (where he used to brag about "inventing the covid vaccines" -- as if he was in the lab working on them himself)
Well at least he didn't invent the interweb
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Now that everyone has found fault.. what are the good points of the major three?
Good compared to what? lol

In terms of overall policy (weighing out the points of agreement and disagreement and making a pros/cons list), I actually do like RFK the most out of the three if there was a gun to my head and I had to pick one.

I think Biden is better on the environment and certain aspects of healthcare
I prefer Trump on topics of national security and certain economic aspects
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Dismantling NATO and causing a recession followed by inflation aren't big selling points.

I think the "dismantling NATO" thing was taken out of context

I'm not aware of him actually saying that. I did hear him say he would consider pulling the US out of the alliance if other countries didn't start stepping up

Which inflation are you referring to? If you're referring to the post-covid inflation, that seemed to be something that much of the world grappled with (as just about developed nation printed more money and borrowed more money to ride out the storm until things could be reopened)

Also per FactCheck.org...
As president, Trump saw months of continuous U.S. monthly job gains end in February 2019. In 2020, job growth collapsed entirely when COVID-19 went from being a localized problem in Wuhan, China, to a global pandemic.

Employment — A record eight years and four months of monthly job gains — dating to October 2010 — ended February 2019, roughly a year before the pandemic. The U.S. lost 50,000 jobs that month. The U.S. would go on to add 2 million jobs in the remaining months of 2019.

And then the novel coronavirus struck. In two months, March and April 2020, the U.S. economy lost a staggering 22.4 million jobs.

So, I get it, you don't like Trump...nor do I. I would assume it's a pretty solid bet that neither voted for him before, and won't be voting for him this year.

But we can't simply make stuff up or ignore the contextual aspects of things he said, or the pandemic and how that impacted the economy.

"Look how many jobs were lost under Trump in 2020!, and look how many jobs were gained under Biden in 2021-2022" (without factoring in covid), as if to imply that it's directly related to their economic policies and nothing else, is a flimsy rationale for reasons we're all well aware of.

I think it should be pretty apparent (based on the fact that the same economic patterns played out all over the globe in nations with both liberal and conservative leaders) that whoever was presiding over a country in 2020 was going to see huge job losses, and whoever was presiding over it in 2021-2022 was going to see some huge job gains as things went back to being open.
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