Let's pray together for anything

Daniel Hoseini

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Sep 1, 2021
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"Behold, I lay in Zion the stumbling stone and a stumbling block... Whosoever believeth in him shall not be ashamed." (Romans 9:33)

Dear Heavenly Father! We thank You that by Your grace we have access to the righteousness of faith so that we can come to terms with You. Make us worthy to be children of the promise and to belong to Your bride. For without Your chosen seed, not only Israel of old, but also the whole world would have become like Sodom and made like Gomorrah by the working of Your wrath against those who commit sin. You have promised that for Your people's sake the days of the coming great worldwide sorrow will be shortened. Straighten the way for us, instruct us by Thy commandments, help us to understand its essence, reveal to us the wisdom upon which Thy commandments and ordinances are based. Also, we pray for Your people, the old Israel, for all physical progeny of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of all places, nationalities, religions and worldviews; as well as for all non-Jewish converts who became fully Jews through the Giyur-process. Bring them to the knowledge of You and Your true crucified and risen Messiah Yeshua of Nazareth, that His second coming may come, and Your promise be fulfilled soon “You shall not see me from now on, until you say, Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord!" Yea, Lord, blessed are You—Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost—and especially blessed are You as the Son of God and Christ incarnate, who comes in the name of Your Father, now and ever and to the ages of ages. In Thy mighty name, amen.
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Daniel Hoseini

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Sep 1, 2021
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"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)

Dear Heavenly Father! Thank You for the Word of faith, which proceeded from You and which we have accepted. Also, grant us righteousness by faith and help us always follow the right path that leads to this righteousness. We thank you for your impartiality, in which we ourselves fail. Help us always to remain humble and not to exalt ourselves as human beings above those of other minds or those who appear to be more sinful than we. For we are all equal before You as creatures, and You love all, even those who perish. You also said, the harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Therefore, we pray to You, the Lord of the harvest, send You laborers to Your harvest. Send Your faithful servants and angels to proclaim Your Word and right faith in all the world. Work wonders and signs through them to set all people free to choose for or against You. Teach and help us to be obedient to You and Your Word with all self-denial; despising the pleasures and sensual enjoyments of this temporal world, no matter how hard it may be and however weak and unsuccessful we may be in it. Give us zeal and inspiration to chastise our brother-donkey, our disobedient passionate body, in fasting, night vigils and prayer, for the rest and peace in Your Kingdom to come. We thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ who is the primeval example for us of the spiritual warrior and obedient follower to follow, for through His voluntary obedience to You, God the Father, He endured unwilling suffering for our sake and our salvation. Likewise, we bow our heads before You and open our hearts to Your salvific working in our soul. May all honor and glory, thanks, veneration and adoration be given to You of all men always - to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - the one Great God in three persons, now and ever and to the ages of ages. In Jesus' name so be it, amen.
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Daniel Hoseini

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Sep 1, 2021
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O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out! (Romans 11:33)

Almighty Lord our God, Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ! Our Heavenly Father, who in Your great love for our race became flesh, and was crucified and risen for our salvation, who sits at the right hand of God the Father, and who comes again to raise us from the sleep of death and judge us on the grounds of Your holy word and our deeds and intentions. We thank You for tolerating our weakness by giving us time each day for complete repentance and conversion. Thank You for this firm hope of Your forgiveness of our sinfulness and of being admitted into Your Kingdom. We beseech Thee, set us free from the bondage of sin and lead us out of the cage of passion in which the demons try to keep us chained and then cast us into the deep abyss of hell. Make us grafted into the tree of the church of Thy elect forever, that our soul may be pure and spotless as Thy beloved bride. Help us deny our hidden selfish intentions and purposes of the heart so that we might live, feel, desire, think and pray forever and completely according to Your disposition. Bless our enemies and those who have wronged us, do good and bless our benefactors also. Help us in this way to follow You and make You happy every day and not pursue our own apparent or real happiness if it does not make You happy with and in us. For You are our true Benefactor and Your eternal life is our true happiness. We eternally praise and sanctify Your holy name, together with Your beginningless Father and Your co-eternal, loving, Good and Holy Spirit, - through whom You perform all miracles. So be it in Thy holy name, amen.
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Daniel Hoseini

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Sep 1, 2021
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"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may discern what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:2)

Dear Heavenly Father! We thank You for all the obvious and hidden gifts to the people of Your church in all the times of her existence. We especially thank you for the supernatural gifts of prophecy, speaking in tongues, healings of all ailments, clairvoyance, fervent preaching ... with which you glorified your church especially in the first, apostolic century of her existence. But as good as these gifts may be to us, and how much glory they bring us, we are also aware that these gifts can be to our condemnation if we are not fully committed to You and established in Your love for you and all creation. Therefore, we pray to Thee: Grant us this unfeigned love in our hearts, as well as aversion to evil, reverence, zeal, and ardent spirit for good, patience in sorrow, and steadfastness in prayer, unity and humility, peace of mind, and a sober attitude toward ourselves without unrealistic narcissism. We thank You for every time wherein we have to endure injustice and get the opportunity to tolerate and bless our evildoers undeservedly. Forgive us for grumbling about injustice in the past, saying "why he can and I can't?", "why has he this privilege and I don't?", "why is he rich and I'm not?", "why is he popular and has success with women, but no one needs me?", and for all other words and thoughts of grumblings and complaints about life. We admit that we were wrong in this, because if You, the righteous Judge, would reward us according to the justice we love so much, then we will not be happy with it, for then we will end up in hell for all our sins, dishonest attitude towards others, self-pleasing and desire for sensual pleasures at the expense of our neighbors, and all our evil and selfish motives and intentions, by which we were guided and which we did not want to notice in ourselves, but made excuses for it. We could not justify ourselves with a single word before You, we could have nowhere to go, and in the end, we would shamefully confess our guilt ourselves and be rightly condemned by You. Such is the fate of the devil Lucifer and his demons at Your Last Judgment, such will be the fate of those who reject Your goodness and follow the devil's false logic and self-indulgence. Therefore, we pray for all our evildoers to the last, both past and future, known and yet unknown: forgive and bless them for everything. Help us and give us the strength to love them, to be ready to greet and embrace them, both at this time and in the age to come, even if You never repay them with just retribution and we do not bring burning coals upon their head with our good deeds. May the prayer "Our Father" not be to our condemnation but may we always boldly and for our justification say to You: Forgive us our sins, as we forgive others all. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, glory be to Thee, O God; in the name of Jesus Christ, so be it. Amen.
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Daniel Hoseini

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Sep 1, 2021
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"Cloth thyself with the Lord Jesus Christ, and nourish not the flesh to excite lust." (Romans 13:14)

Dear Heavenly Father, our Lord and God Holy Spirit! We thank You for Your grace, felt in us and in nature, testifying to Your gracious love for creation. You sustain us, our lives and our breath, even when we find ourselves in extreme poverty and need. You extend our days, lead us to salvation and patiently, graciously and hopefully, expect us to accept Your goodness and respond with love to Your love. What shall we repay You for all Your tender goodness?! What humility of ours can surpass Thy loving humility in its depth?! You, as a loving mother, humbly, invisibly and selflessly, nurture, warm and sustain Your creation, and do not reject the human race that has turned away from You. When we see and understand this, we mourn with repentance because we have sinned against Your humble love in the person of our ancestors Adam and Eve. And though we are not Adam and Eve, but who of us can be sure that he would not have sinned against You with bestial ingratitude like Adam and Eve?! Who among us can be sure that he would certainly not suppress and reject your still and softly admonishing voice in the depths of our consciousness?! And woe unto us that more than once we have sinned so unjustly against Thee, abusing Thy patience, time, and Thy hope of our repentance. We bitterly repent that we have spent much attention and time of our lives on dead works, vanity, and fuss, which is not part of eternity, even if it was not sin in the literal sense. Help us now to find more time for prayer, repentance, enlightenment through your word. May we make the soil of our heart good ground, where the seed of Thy word shall surely bring Thee abundant fruit; and may our bodies become a worthy temple of Yours, where You may dwell freely as You please. Save and preserve us from selfish carnality, as well as all the works of darkness, and clothe us in the armor of light. May You be glorified in us and through us together with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, forever and ever. In the name of Jesus Christ, so be it. Amen.
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Daniel Hoseini

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Sep 1, 2021
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"None of us live for himself and none of us die for himself, but if we live - we live for the Lord, if we die - we die for the Lord." (Romans 14:7-8)

Our Father who art in heaven! May your name be sacredly honored by all peoples all over the earth and always! Help us to love You openly, not just with words, but with all of our lives. Thanks to You for all the good and beautiful You have created; for various kinds of tasty food, both for vegetables and for bread and meat, which You have given us as food; for all days and seasons; for the automatic operation of the solar system and constellations, through which we determine the time and direction of the path. You have graciously entrusted to man the use of all your creation and left us to use things according to the faith and conviction of our minds. Help us always do this with gratitude to You, without judging anyone who thinks and lives differently. Grant us Your gift of reasoning and the ability to listen to the reasoning of others, so that we never give our neighbors a cause for stumbling or temptation. Save us from using seductive make-up and enchanting cosmetics, from wearing elegant clothes and luxury watches that arouse jealousy, as well as from all the brash and unfounded statements in the course of the speech, which can be a stumbling block to our neighbors, who may consider us greater and more experienced than themselves and blindly take our word for it. Forgive us if we have sinned so before. Help us to repent and do good, to bring forth the fruit of repentance, and to seek what leads to peace and mutual edification. To You, who can confirm us in the faith through the preaching of Jesus Christ, who has conquered our death, and through the mystery of our salvation and Your providence over the universe, which has been hidden through the ages but revealed by Him, to the one and wise God - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit - be all glory and power forever. Amen.


How great are Thy works, O Lord, in wisdom Thou hast made them all!
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Daniel Hoseini

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Sep 1, 2021
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"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, in the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)

Holy Father in Heaven! May the whole earth and the universe be transformed into Your Kingdom and may all who proudly oppose You fall under Your feet! We thank You that You accepted us through Jesus Christ to Your glory. Help us, Father, to be like You in Your humility and self-emptying, with which Your Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ defeated the devil when He died on the Cross and rose again on the third day. You created us in Your image and likeness, but we went against You and Your image in us when we fell into the sin of distrust and disobedience to You. We have entered into an alliance with the devil, sharing with him the spirit of evil selfishness, haughty heart and envy. You were and are the same, and you cannot change your good nature, becoming like one of us in character. You desire to save Your lost sheep, man, and even long for our salvation and union with You. But we lack Your likeness in us; Because of the sin that has taken root in us, Your humility, humble self-abasement, wisdom, selfless and self-exhausting love are alien to us. Grant us success in the work of holiness and help us to listen and act according to all Your commandments. Save us from all sinful opposites: from lust on the one hand and disinterest to everything on the other, from pride and somber self-abasement, from avarice and wastefulness, from voluptuousness and indifference to everything, from disbelieve and far right fanatism, from excessive indulgence towards others and hardness of heart... But help us and teach us to actively follow You in everything and keep in touch with You in our heart, ardently walking the path of holiness and every day being transformed by our inner man in Your image and likeness, while not allowing human and demonic envy to stung us. May all our ardent desire be directed to You. May we be able to see Your glory and hear Your voice and never confuse You with a liar-devil in the form of Jesus Christ or an angel of light. For You are the source of life, light and glory, and we voluntarily and creatively exalt and praise You forever and ever. In the name of Jesus Christ hear and have mercy. Amen.
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Daniel Hoseini

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Sep 1, 2021
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"I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." (Romans 16:19-20)

Holy Father in Heaven! May your will be done in all the universe, in people and by all people out of good will! We thank You for Your gift of faith, hope and love, with which You save us from despair and despondency, supporting our life in this fallen world full of evil, darkness and demons. We implore You, O Lord, save us and keep us from those who create divisions and temptations that are contrary to You and Your teaching. Save us from the temptation to speak badly and condemn others, justifying ourselves with invented excuses in order to appear honorable in the eyes of people by humiliating others. Save us from the tendency to argue and create divisions and temptations by insisting on the correctness of our understanding of Your word. We repent for every such sin and resolve not to repeat it. From now on, help us not to harm the hearts of the simple-hearted with any deceitful word. Lead us into the unity of love of the children of God. We thank You for Your grace, poured out on us through the Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on the Cross and resurrected by You. Grant us deep repentance for all our sins and a clear consciousness of the real pain and sorrow that we inflict on Your incarnate Son as well as the Holy Spirit every time when we please and feed the evil parasite demons with our sins. Give us to feel this pain for us of our beloved and humble Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to be afraid of sinning like of fire, so that we would sow the good seed of Your love and grace in our hearts by reading Your word, its practical implementation and contemplation. Before every questionable deed or word, help us remember to ask You every time, "Will You be happy with this, God?" May we atone for all our sins with good deeds, and may we forever praise Your grace and power, offering all our personal happiness to You and sacrificing our honor and glory in order to eternally praise and exalt You, the Triune God - Father and Son and Holy Spirit, - now and in the day eternal. Amen.
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Daniel Hoseini

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Sep 1, 2021
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"Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever; the scepter of Your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness. You loved righteousness and hated iniquity." (Hebrews 1:8-9)

Dear Heavenly Father and God, who repeatedly and in various ways spoke from ancient times to the fathers in the prophets, and at the end of time revealed Yourself in Your Son, whom You made the heir of everything, through whom You created the ages. He is the radiance of Your glory and the image of Your hypostasis, holding everything with the word of His power. According to Your good pleasure, He performed the cleansing of our sins. Risen in glory, He sat at the right hand of Your majesty on highest place, being more excellent than all angels. Taking comfort in this hope of our salvation and redemption, we thank You for Your providence for each of us, for the whole world and its salvation. We pray to You, send Your Holy Spirit to kindle in us the fire of faith and love for You, awaken in us zeal for pleasing You and deeds of repentance, but grant us reason with prudence, so that we do not sin with blind zeal not according to reason. Forgive us for our coldness and lukewarmness and teach us to pray fervently, to read Your word with keen interest, and to do all the other deeds and sacrifices for Your sake that You expect from us. Grant us freedom from all grievances, addictions and bitter memories. Pour out on Your called shepherds and servants Your anointing of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts, so that they lead many souls to repentance and conversion and awaken the world around them from the sleep of sinful and pernicious worldliness. May our souls and hearts be burning with the fire of Your Holy Spirit to Your glory and to Your joy, so that we won't suffer and be scorched from it involuntarily along with Your mean traitors, demons. May all glory be to Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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Brothers, let us pray together for the unity of Christians and that the whole world may become Christian by reading this prayer written by your humble servant. :)

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Holy God and Heavenly Father! Look down upon our sincere desire to please You in everything and go to You in a right way. We all belong to different traditions, we solve many theological problems in different ways and we provide our own answers to many questions in life. And perhaps in the course of earthly history we will never unite in one church organization. But we are all united by one belief in You, the one God-Creator, and one pursuit of You as the purpose and meaning of our lives, and one desire to please You as You want us to. We thank You for Your Word and Your only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, whom You sent into the world for the salvation of mankind and all Your creation. Forgive us and our human race for all those divisions, schisms and sins against love with which we have violated Your plan and Your will for our salvation and unity. But look down on our goodwill and grant us to be one family forever in Your Heavenly Kingdom. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray to You for that. Amen."
I do pray for the world daily, naming various countries.

But I do not pray for the whole world to become Christian. The Bible states that only a few are going to make it to heaven. I pray for people to learn what the Bible is really saying.
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Carl Emerson

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Dec 18, 2017
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3am prayer...

On the face of it looks like a noble offering to Christians world wide.

But wait...

Isaiah 1:15
When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood!

So any prayer is not like an ATM - the state of heart of the believer must always be attended to.

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

So to present a prayer as a guarantee of outcome does not sit well with me.

Faith and magic are opposites.

Happy to discuss this.

Here is what God does guarantee

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Note: More than praying a prayer is needed.
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Daniel Hoseini

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Sep 1, 2021
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I'm happy to see you back Daniel, you've been missed and needed!
I am glad to read your friendly words. Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who we all need the most.
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May 30, 2020
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I am glad to read your friendly words. Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who we all need the most.
Ty, you are what i think Jesus must be like. I hope you will stay a while and bless us with your presence.
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Daniel Hoseini

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Sep 1, 2021
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you are what i think Jesus must be like
We are all called to be in His image and likeness, but we often suffer from our old self. May the Lord make us free from all the weaknesses and passions of our fallen Adam in us. I pray for us to be enlightened by the empirical knowledge of our Heavenly Father so as to be able to really love Him.
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