Incompatible Personalities

the Vital One

Dec 5, 2015
United States
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The Gospels command us to forgive others for any wrongs they done against us.

This is possible, although it can be difficult and take much prayer to achieve.

My question or concern here is that some people simply have incompatible personalities which will prevent any true friendship or cooperation from ever developing. Beyond forgiving someone who we simply cannot work or deal with, how do we ensure that we follow the Gospels?


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Jan 16, 2019
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You don't have to agree with someone or support their behavior to be polite and courteous. Forgiveness notwithstanding, previous encounters should be weighed appropriately. The lone formula in these scenarios is prayer and right judgment. If someone delights in strife don't entertain their discourse. Keep discussions on topic and minimize excess. If there's troublemaker in the midst don't fall for their or bother with gossip. Take the problem to the Lord and let Him handle it.

Spiritually speaking, there's no such thing as incompatible personalities. The omission of harmony is usually the result of sin not personas. Which requires the offended to explore their bother and the places they rub when engaging. Why are you affected?

Look for clues in early experiences, similarities with unpleasant persons and murmurings in the heart (jealousy, insecurity, loneliness, etc.). Start with yourself and present the results to the Lord in prayer. Forgive those who've wronged or harmed you and ask for healing and restoration. Then let it go.

Don't revisit offenses or pick the scab the Lord desires to remove. Unforgiveness is the root of bitterness and accusation is its kinsman. Rebuke untoward thoughts about the other and those you've prayed about. They'll cease to occur when they're no longer fed.

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the Vital One

Dec 5, 2015
United States
Marital Status
You don't have to agree with someone or support their behavior to be polite and courteous. Forgiveness notwithstanding, previous encounters should be weighed appropriately. The lone formula in these scenarios is prayer and right judgment. If someone delights in strife don't entertain their discourse. Keep discussions on topic and minimize excess. If there's troublemaker in the midst don't fall for their or bother with gossip. Take the problem to the Lord and let Him handle it.

Spiritually speaking, there's no such thing as incompatible personalities. The omission of harmony is usually the result of sin not personas. Which requires the offended to explore their bother and the places they rub when engaging. Why are you affected?

Look for clues in early experiences, similarities with unpleasant persons and murmurings in the heart (jealousy, insecurity, loneliness, etc.). Start with yourself and present the results to the Lord in prayer. Forgive those who've wronged or harmed you and ask for healing and restoration. Then let it go.

Don't revisit offenses or pick the scab the Lord desires to remove. Unforgiveness is the root of bitterness and accusation is its kinsman. Rebuke untoward thoughts about the other and those you've prayed about. They'll cease to occur when they're no longer fed.


Thank you for your advice.
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