Recent content by Yusuphhai

  1. Yusuphhai

    A Call to Separation

    quote"I don't wall myself off from everyone, but there are certain alliances I cannot & will not enter into, especially any of a romantic nature." I need to sever this romantic relationship with non believer . But I need to be polite and try not to let she misunderstand Christ and be hurt. This...
  2. Yusuphhai

    Thank you

    Welcome to CF. The Bible was first translated by the British in many world languages.
  3. Yusuphhai

    Which denomination is the right one?

    Messianic will recognize himself as a part of the entire Israeli family. The revival of the Messianic perspective also influenced the Eastern world. Samaria, Edom, and Ishmael will prioritize the covenant alliance with Judah. Greek and Latin, on the other hand, do not belong to the Semitic...
  4. Yusuphhai

    tears to touch the world

    一些中國人墮落到了一個程度,連眼淚都是假的。虛偽的社會風氣造成了這種現象。很多中國人認為所有事情都可以造假,包括眼淚都可以造假,真理是不存在的。 Some Chinese people have fallen to a point where even tears are fake. The hypocritical social atmosphere has caused this phenomenon. Many Chinese people believe that everything can be fake, including tears, and that truth...
  5. Yusuphhai

    Korab Korban: Drawing Near

    Korban (Sacrifice) in Hebrew and Arabic has the similar pronunciation. The purpose of offering sacrifices is to bring oneself closer to God.
  6. Yusuphhai

    jiangsu province

    如果你能說一點中國南方的方言,比如上海話、蘇州話、廣東話,會更容易和他們溝通。 If you can speak some dialects from southern China, such as Shanghai dialect, Suzhou dialect, and Cantonese, it will be easier to communicate with them...
  7. Yusuphhai

    My boyfriends salvation.

    I pray Faithfulandtrue's boyfriend will find the priority, girlfriend or God.
  8. Yusuphhai

    battle stations

    我也為英語和漢語語境的交流禱告。願主保守這兩種全世界最大的語言,能夠更清楚和正規地解釋聖經的語意。 I also pray for communication in English and Chinese contexts. May the Lord preserve these two largest languages in the world, in order to interpret the meaning of the Bible more clearly and formally.
  9. Yusuphhai

    Keep a Word - Change a Word

    polygraph test
  10. Yusuphhai

    Keep a Word - Change a Word

    personality disorder
  11. Yusuphhai

    Hold the Fort For I am Coming

    The chosen people of God in Asia cannot win by their own in the Asian battlefield, as the dark forces have a clear advantage. The drying up of the Euphrates River (in practical and spiritual meaning) will make it easier for the kings of the Sunrise region to participate in the Middle Eastern...
  12. Yusuphhai

    I wish I were a believer, but...

    Welcome to CF. I was born in China and received atheistic education from birth. In fact, it is difficult for Chinese people to get rid of atheism. My grandfather was a local Islamic leader, although he was very secular. My father had completely embraced atheism, which was his education system...