Recent content by Wolseley

  1. Wolseley

    Satan Asks Democrats to Tone Down All the Evil

    Satire. :) But telling satire.
  2. Wolseley

    Pope apologizes for using ‘homophobic’ slang

    Maybe the pope would be better off if he stuck to following Jesus' example. You know: the guy who called people hypocrites, sons of hell, sons of Satan, vipers, serpents, ravening wolves, whitewashed sepulchers, liars, fools, infidels, and blind guides. Pretty harsh. Maybe He should have been...
  3. Wolseley

    H.S. senior almost denied diploma for calling Jesus Christ "the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

    Somebody in the comments section said "Suppose a Muslim kid did the same thing?" My answer to that is that the school administration would have done absolutely nothing. It's bad form to punish Muslims; but Christians? Pfah! Land on 'em with both feet. Christians are racist patriarchal...
  4. Wolseley

    Memo to California Progressives: Sex With Children Is a Serious Crime

    California. :rolleyes: Holy Michael and good St. Patrick. :(
  5. Wolseley

    Catholic Priests Are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

    Oh, yeah. You can knock down a city with an airburst, but to neutralize a missile silo, you need a lot of extra punch----and the combination of the megatonnage involved plus the "dirty" aspect of a surface burst means you're going to have massive amounts of fallout afterwards. You got that...
  6. Wolseley

    Catholic Priests Are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

    I remember reading a book once about a nuclear war; took place somewhere in Nebraska, next to a cluster of missile silos. Anyway, the lids had all blown off the silos and the ICBMs were soaring off into a pleasant blue sky; all of the townspeople were standing in the street, gaping open-mouthed...
  7. Wolseley

    Catholic Priests Are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

    "Look! Up in the sky!" "Is it a bird? Is it a plane?"'s the Apocalypse!" Get ready. Stay ready. It's coming. Soon.
  8. Wolseley

    Target scaling back pride items in stores, still not shopping there anymore

    Crewman: "Captain!!" (Picard raises his phaser and shoots the crewman, killing him) Sort of like George did with poor old Lennie in "Of Mice and Men." :oops:
  9. Wolseley

    Target scaling back pride items in stores, still not shopping there anymore

    I haven't been inside of a Target store in probably 15 years or better. Have no plans to visit one again. Well, I mean let's face it: they're not exactly the brightest bunch in the world, now, are they? They're just drones, like members of the Borg.
  10. Wolseley

    Squad Member Makes Controversial Remarks at Terrorist-Linked Conference

    If ever there was a human being who has absolutely no business whatsoever being in the legislative assembly of a free, democratic people, it's her. >:( She needs to be placed on the next cargo ship heading to Somalia or Yemen or Afghanistan, and have Ilhan Omar sent right along with her.
  11. Wolseley

    Attack of the Killer Duck.....

    I haven't been over there in three or four years....should make plans to go and take the kid with us; he's never been to Bronner's. :)
  12. Wolseley

    Attack of the Killer Duck.....

    It's a fun town. :) Christmas all year 'round at Bronner's Wonderland....and if you like German polka music, it's definitely the place to go! :)
  13. Wolseley

    Knights of Columbus Sue Biden and National Park Service for Religious Discrimination

    60 years they've been doing this, and nobody had problem until just now??? :rolleyes:
  14. Wolseley

    Attack of the Killer Duck.....

    Well, Frankenmuth is a big year-round festival guess is it probably came from some sort of display. Who knows how far it rolled and blew after it broke loose. ^_^