Recent content by walkingxshadow

  1. walkingxshadow

    please pray

    I will be praying. This family has dealt with enough. They deserve peace.
  2. walkingxshadow

    Favorite Video Game Music?

    Pokemon ftw
  3. walkingxshadow

    First Video Game?

    That's a good one!
  4. walkingxshadow

    Now Playing

    Remakes take up time square enix should spend on ffxv and khiii. I think remakes would be awesome for vii viii and ix. But I doubt itll happen.
  5. walkingxshadow

    Who's your favorite author?

    Neil gaiman is great and so is game of thrones. Check out wheel of time next.
  6. walkingxshadow

    Now Playing

    Ffxv maybe?
  7. walkingxshadow

    Now Playing

    Asn much as I like xiii im hoping this is actually the end
  8. walkingxshadow

    princess jellyfish

    Its awesome. Ill totally buy the manga if I could!
  9. walkingxshadow

    princess jellyfish

    Well its a josei. So its aimed at more mature women. I.e. not a shojo. But not bad or anything. Its really hard to explain. If yoy have Netflix waych the first ep
  10. walkingxshadow

    princess jellyfish

    Its awesome! So funny! All too short though. Never expected to like it so.much. but its on the top of my list now! Anyone else like it?
  11. walkingxshadow

    [Open Dr Who fan members] calling Dr Who fans (4)

    I dont think that at all. Granted Ive never seen any classic who but the doctor is the main character of a show that has been around for fifty years and he is still the biggest mystery on the show. I see it as them finally getting around to telling his story instead of everyone elses.
  12. walkingxshadow

    The Wheel of Time

    I honestly don't see how you have any idea what's going on. Jordan packs more in one book than most authors do in entire careers. Most definitely start at the beginning.
  13. walkingxshadow


    The remakes were really good
  14. walkingxshadow


    Haha that's funny! But I stopped watching the show aong time ago. I only play the games