Recent content by vibrant

  1. vibrant

    What DID you think about turning 30?

    i was just conscious of it. 6 months till i'm 30. 1 month till i'm 30. 1 week. 1 day ... and i realized that i hadn't thought of what i'd be doing or expecting once i turned 30. i had my 20s planned and achieved those plans for the most part, but i never really considered 30s (or 40s for that...
  2. vibrant

    How's your 30 something going?

    I feel fine.
  3. vibrant

    I was healed from bipolar over 30 years ago

    congrats on your healing.
  4. vibrant

    What's on your mind? (60)

    well, i'm thinking that i barely see anyone i recognize, but some things never change. this forum looks the same, though i wonder why the other forums are not very active like the women's forum or young adults.
  5. vibrant

    What's on your mind? (60)

    that i'd really like to just post something, but this is the only thread where i feel like saying something. it's been years since i've been here.
  6. vibrant

    bipolar, what is it?

    triggers are things that will... trigger an episode of mania or depression. there are some things that will upset you, deflate you, pull you down into a funk that you can't get out of. sometimes depression coming unwittingly. it just happens, but sometimes you can sense that a certain situation...
  7. vibrant

    Does anyone read the Bible for memorization sake? is great. it allows for more selective searches. you can narrow your search to the paulines epistles, the gospels, etc. takes you all the way through the bible.
  8. vibrant

    Newfies declare war on US

  9. vibrant

    It is better to be single

    i can definitely see paul's point. my picture has the caption, such a moment is worth the wait, but to me, there's so much to do in the meantime.
  10. vibrant

    Headcovering and Modesty Question

    it's winter where i'm at. that's an in-built modesty system.
  11. vibrant

    stupid things people say to you

    no one says anything stupid to me about being single. it's a non-issue.
  12. vibrant

    Headcovering and Modesty Question

    i didn't trip over his foot walking in. he was sitting on a chair, feet to the ground -- like everyone else. that's where they're supposed to be so when one of them gets planted high on my shin and i see him glaring at me, it was deliberate.
  13. vibrant


    talk to her. if that doesn't work, end it. you understand that that behaviour is unsustainable.
  14. vibrant


    talk to your prof -- seriously. they may seem intimidating but they can be flexible. you might not have failed that paper.