Recent content by Tonks

  1. Tonks

    Staff Reunion thread

    Been getting some new email spam...looks like things are still kicking and there have been many changes - hopefully for the good! Carry on! M
  2. Tonks

    How does the EOC deal with this question?

    Just a little trivia from way back in the day on CF (especially for those that remember me - and when i was one of the high staff muckety mucks around this place). Way back in time the faith icon was locked once you registered an account. It could be changed but the change required one of...
  3. Tonks

    I need some advice problem I think. Granted my membership was eons ago so things may have changed...But it is one of the few places these days that boys can still be boys. In the cubs I remember fondly all of the pinewood derbys, knot tying classes, and the science experiments. Too, during boy scouts the...
  4. Tonks

    Staff Reunion thread

    Hey lady...! Just doing my once every long time login to see what's up. Happy to see that all those I once knew are still doing good work. :) M.
  5. Tonks

    Flood of ‘de-baptisms’ worries European church leaders

    what the heck are "church taxes"?
  6. Tonks

    Worshipping with non-christians

    If it is a funeral or a wedding etc...I attend and support my loved ones / friends. Other than that on any given Sunday (as it were) I'll make the trade. I'll go to your church only if you will come to mine next Sunday. It is fine to debate the finer points here (i.e.: CF) but most average...
  7. Tonks

    Whatever happened to SimontheZealot?

    I always likes him
  8. Tonks

    Happy to see things haven't changed...

    I tend to post on the 6 month cycle...merry Christmas if you're OC. :)
  9. Tonks

    Regarding the necessary instruction in Theology

    What are the wrong questions?
  10. Tonks

    Happy to see things haven't changed...

    Have a blessed 2012 GTers...
  11. Tonks

    CF Christmas 2011 Youtube slide-show

    Congrats to the new the old is great to see you smiling! Have a blessed 2012!
  12. Tonks

    Prayers: Trying for another baby

    You and your family are, of course, always in my prayers (even when I'm not around).
  13. Tonks

    Video of my icons

    It has been a blessed 400 days or so since I've logged in. Viewing a thread about gorgeous icons is, I think, appropriate. :)
  14. Tonks

    Advice on situation

    Being completely honest here...I have trouble believing it was a gaggle of 12 year old girls that gave the coach the runaround. Frankly, I'm guessing it was the parents via the children. But, agreed, good on the coach.
  15. Tonks

    Video of my icons

    3:15 - the Wonderworker Fantastic!