Recent content by TheTruthinFiction

  1. T

    Protein Consumption

    It depends on how much you want to bulk up. General rule for bodybuilders and strength athletes, is 1.5 to 2 grams per pound. Unless you are planning on being one of these, then I would stick with 1 gram per pound. There have been many tests showing that the body can only digest and use between...
  2. T

    What is the effects of Glutamine?

    I am a little over 6 foot tall, about 230, have been as high as 290, martial arts and ex-college football player. Even at my highest weight, I never took over 10 grams of glutamine a day. I was taking in at that time, around say 3,500 calories total, probably 250-300 grams of protein. I have...
  3. T

    Why did God create evil?

    Nimbo, I sent a PM, and as I have said in another post on this thread. NO ONE can answer why or say that God didn't create bad or evil. NO ONE except God. Only opinions from us can be offered, proof, fact, not possible. We could debate for 10 years and we still wouldn't have a definite answer.
  4. T

    Why did God create evil?

    Tapero, I asked that this not become a debate between Christians, we have a non-Christian who is trying to understand the Bible. You picked part of the quoted scripture out, about creating darkness, right after that there was the word calamity, which is destruction, earthquakes, wars and so on...
  5. T

    Why did God create evil?

    We are not connecting. God's intentions are not known to anyone, no matter how much they tell you they are known. It would be an opinion that God wouldn't want us to be a group of clones. If you created something would you want it to be a simple thing or a complex thing? Also without putting...
  6. T

    Why did God create evil?

    Without evil, we wouldn't know, good. That can be shown in everyday. If everyday, nothing bad ever happens in your life, then you will take the good things for granted. If you need any more proof than that, you are talking to the wrong people, since we can only offer you our opinions. But this...
  7. T

    10 FAVORITE bands/artists

    Radiohead Devin Townsend (DTB, Ocean Machine, but not SYL) Iron Maiden Dave Matthews Band Porcupine Tree Rush Audioslave/Soundgarden Pearl Jam Tool Rainbow (Dio years)
  8. T

    hello;I'm looking for some advice

    Don't use the word broken, you aren't broken, just cracked a little. Also your life isn't ruined, at this point, this is just how feel inside, not what you truly are. You are hurting as you said and the hurting is something that will get easier with time, because everybody hurts, just like the...
  9. T


    I've been away for awhile, sort of a peaceful time in life where I tried to work on removing negative feelings and emotions, then came back on here, think it's been 7 or 8 months since I was last on this forum. And first, I would like to thank everyone who has posted their well wishes and to...
  10. T

    What Metal band are you listening to?

    I'm seeing bands that I haven't heard of on here. But I am seeing bands that I thought no one listened to except me. I couldn't believe I seen Pelican on here. Most of what I listen to right now is: Shadow's Fall-Last two albums Mastodon-Remission and Leviathain Neurosis-All of their...
  11. T

    Best rock band secular &/or christian

    Throw another vote in for Rush for all-time best. As far as newer bands, I think Tool has a load of talent, but some of their lyrics will leave a lot to be desired if not careful. Shadow's Fall have some great music out. And I think U2 is probably the most Christian band that I listen to much...
  12. T

    Who was Ozzy's Greatest Guitarist?

    This is a great thread, there isn't a wrong answer at all. But, I voted Iommi, I am more partial to the Sabbath years than the solo years. Zakk plays some great stuff in BLS and if you can find it and don't mind southern rock, his band Pride and Glory. Randy was great too, but I haven't found...
  13. T

    Most Overrated Songs?

    Whiskey in the Jar cover is one of if not the best cover I have heard. Also, if you ever hear Metallica do, "Run to the Hills" by Iron Maiden, it is great too. I think it reminds us of just how good Metallica really is.
  14. T

    Most Overrated Songs?

    Oh dear, Nirvana is being compared to Metallica in the same sentence. I think of myself as a Metallica fan who, "matured" with them. I've never heard a bad Metallica album, except maybe St. Anger, which I admit, I haven't listened to much, but every one before that gets regular play for me...
  15. T

    list of angry songs

    Eye for an Eye-Soulfy, really almost all of the self-titled Soulfly album The sludge metal listed above are angry too. And to add to the sludge metal angry songs, Crowbar-All I Had I Gave Anything off of Pantera's albums starting with Vulgar Display of Power