Recent content by the seeing servant

  1. the seeing servant

    Nov 8th: Are we there yet? Trump or Hillary

    Here is my analysis of the election and the possible outcomes. I especially interested in your comments about my theory if Hillary should win.
  2. the seeing servant

    VP Debate: Who won the debate?

    Gov. Pence won hands down. He did what Trump couldn't do in the first debate, give voters a reason to vote for Trump over Hillary. Gov. Pence's tone also was more appealing to undecided and independent voters. Sen. Kaine's tone appealed only to the Democratic base only. My take on the debate...
  3. the seeing servant

    Trump vs Hillary: The most anticlimactic debate ever

    Despite all the hype and promotion the debate of the ages became the debate of the boring. It was the most watched in history but I am pretty sure that it was also one of the most anticlimactic in history. Neither candidate gave voters a reason to voter for them. Once again voters are the true...
  4. the seeing servant

    Trump vs Clinton: The debate for the ages

    This could be the most watched debates in presidential history. Past debates have never really changed the face of a presidential race but like most things during this years election cycle past models and strategies have fallen to the waste side. I provide a breakdown of each candidates...
  5. the seeing servant

    Shouldn't Trump get some credit?

    The media has done a lot of attacking of both candidates but their main focus has been the GOP candidate Trump. Hes been blasted for not acting presidential, but when he acts presidential by going down to meet with Mexico's president hes blasted for it. I talked about this in my post at The...
  6. the seeing servant

    Does moral foundations explain what Kaepernick did?
  7. the seeing servant

    Does the Trump train have any ground game?

    If you are a Trump supporter does the fact that he is not focusing on building a ground game worry you? Should Trump build a ground game for that matter?
  8. the seeing servant

    Hillary Clinton's Beyond belief: fact or fiction

    Hillary issue with trust is adding fuel to the fire when it comes to her health. Can we believe the candidate when she says anything or is the media just blowing things out of proportion?
  9. the seeing servant

    Rats leaving a sinking Trump sink

    I agree they havent...but then why would they go and support someone that is even more against what they believe?
  10. the seeing servant

    Rats leaving a sinking Trump sink

    Her left leaning political views seem to outweigh her Christian beliefs. (Abortion, political correctness, view on the way she sees the constitution as a living document, not as the way the founding fathers would view it.)
  11. the seeing servant

    Rats leaving a sinking Trump sink

    I agree that the media plays a huge role in slanting things and blowing words out of proportion. Trump and Hillary certainly gives the media ammo daily. Society's lack of attention span doesnst allow for the media to actually have a long drawn out involved story about a topic it has to be...
  12. the seeing servant

    Rats leaving a sinking Trump sink

    Many would disagree that Hillary is not dangerous for our country. She would defiantly wouldnt be friendly towards churches and neither would her USSC picks. Im not a Trump supporter by any means, in fact i might not be voting for a presidential candidate and just focus on the House and Senate...
  13. the seeing servant

    Rats leaving a sinking Trump sink

    Many Republicans leaders within the party have come out against Trump over the last few weeks and stating their support for Hillary, what the heck is wrong with these people? What has driven them to support someone that doesn't even come close to holding their ideals or values...
  14. the seeing servant

    Is the lesser of two evils an ethical choice for voters?

    Well we forever be stuck with the choice between the lesser of two evils? Or will voters finally rise up and choose a third party?
  15. the seeing servant

    The psychology behind the human tendency to make the leap from “is” to “ought.”