Recent content by Sweet_cookie

  1. S

    Does God give Asperger's to some people so that they can get closer to Him?

    Us people with autism/Asperger's do not Interact with the world that well. Then we end up lonely or we start learning and discovering newer things and some who might become Christians sort of get closer to God like myself. I feel like Jesus is the only person who can understand me without ever...
  2. S

    Fellow Christians how can I stop being so guilty and shameful for my autism

    Thanks! But some days i feel really shameful
  3. S

    Fellow Christians how can I stop being so guilty and shameful for my autism

    The thing is that the dishwasher job doesn't exist anymore here where i live. They simply put them in the dishwasher machines and the cooks themselves handle the utensils. They don't hire a separate worker to deal with the dirty dishes. I wish i could die before my parents. That would be great
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    Fellow Christians how can I stop being so guilty and shameful for my autism

    I have but it's not doing much for me.. The only thing i know how to do properly is wash dishes..
  5. S

    Fellow Christians how can I stop being so guilty and shameful for my autism

    I'm a Christian and have been a real one ever since the age of 13 when i accepted Jesus as my lord and saviour. My problem is that i i ha autism spectrum disorders (formerly diagnosed as Asperger's) and it really hinders me from living my life. I fear that I'll never be able to work and my...