Recent content by SuperCow

  1. S

    The Inspired KJV

    The real question is why would God use the English translation?
  2. S

    The Inspired KJV

    Also, in the Old Testament, the Hebrew word Sheol is translated as hell in the KJV, but it is also translated as grave or pit. Hell is used when referencing a wicked person, and grave is used when referencing a righteous person, thereby avoiding confusion for the reader.
  3. S

    Florida judge exonerates Miami teacher fired for refusing to use student’s preferred pronouns

    No, the judge was protecting the right of the teacher to be able to express her opinion. For your statement to be true the judge would have to be imposing to the transgender student that he cannot hold his own opinion about his own gender. An activist judge is one that rules that one or the...
  4. S

    How Old Is The Earth

    Actually, it can be both at the same time, even for us. (My algebra teacher taught me to show my work, so here goes.) Using this standard relativity formula: We can make these calculations. 1.) 1000 years = 365,240 days. (Rounded for whole leap years) Therefore t = 1 day and t(o) = 365,240...
  5. S

    Why is fornication a sin ?

    Because fornication leads to adultery. You've committed to a partner through sex, and regardless of what you've agreed to between yourselves, the act always leads always leads to different levels of emotional feelings between each other. You may have agreed to uncommitted sex, but many times the...
  6. S

    Why is fornication a sin ?

    Well, I would say to look at the potential downsides of fornication. I'm going to ignore STDs entirely, because good people get horrific diseases as well, even though this one is avoidable (except maybe for rape): 1.) Sex with another person's spouse. It is quite apparent in history that this...
  7. S

    How old is the earth?

    The water to wine story is not an example of time dilation, and none of the miracles in the Bible have a relativistic answer to them. The possible exceptions are Psalm 90:4/2 Peter 3:8 which might be a frame of reference analogy, the creation story in Genesis 1, and Joshua's battle in Joshua...
  8. S

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    You're ignorant if you don't think that you need both. If one side is always hot, and other side is always cold, then there is only one season on the hot side and one season on the cold side. It's not too hard to figure out.
  9. S

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    So what? It's still artificial like I said. There's no technical reason why we have to use 24 hours instead of any other number and no technical reason why we have 4 seasons and not 2 or 6 or 12. The weather in February is always different than March, even though they're both part of a season...
  10. S

    Why MICRO but not MACRO?

    Genesis doesn't try to be a scientific document. It's a story to explain the origin of earth in a very simplistic way, so it can be told to people regardless of their experience level. Much is omitted from the details. God left it to people who might later want to learn more on their own to...
  11. S

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    Irrelevant. My point was that dividing the day into 24 hours is arbitrary, just like 10 would be. It could easily be some other division, but that what someone invented and now everyone does it that way, because that is what they learned. In the same way, people arbitrarily picked 4 seasons and...
  12. S

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    I don't understand how that relates to what I said. The 10 hour day would be just as accurate. The hour would just be 2.4x longer. The earth's tilt does not create seasons either. Without a heat source like the sun, the earth is just a frozen ball in space. You need a partnership of the two to...
  13. S

    Why MICRO but not MACRO?

    Genetic similarity makes if more likely that they had a common ancestor, but it isn't proof of that, and the closer the similarity, the more likely for it to still be considered reproducing after it's kind as per Genesis. No it is not. The question is whether what we call a different species...
  14. S

    Why MICRO but not MACRO?

    Ah, but the evidence is not absolute. You cannot prove how one species changed to another when you only have the fossilized remains of one in perhaps several million subjects. I realize that this is also a limitation on the intelligent design viewpoint as well, because you cannot prove that you...