Recent content by sunshinesmile

  1. sunshinesmile

    Word Association [Game]

    Concentrated :)
  2. sunshinesmile


    Hi Hannah, I hope you're doing well. Talking to a healthworker, and maybe getting a look through the abdomen wall may help.
  3. sunshinesmile

    Word Association [Game]

  4. sunshinesmile

    Have you ever? (3)

    No Have you ever had Pho?
  5. sunshinesmile

    what do you think defines young adulthood?

    This reminds me, one of my parents discouraged calling children "kid"-- it was just not respectful enough, and kids were goats. :D Now I feel rude calling anyone that in certain circumstances. Look it up in a dictionary, and " kid" is 1) informal 2) young goat, America.
  6. sunshinesmile

    THE Would You Rather?

    Silence would be okay, because there'd be no resulting hoarseness/ other problems that result from talking too much! Would you rather go ice skating or skiing?
  7. sunshinesmile

    Seek and Ye shall find

    What's your favorite thing--or things--to do for exercise? : )
  8. sunshinesmile

    I am miserable and alone... ask me anything

    Hey, its too bad you aren't feeling great. Do you have family?
  9. sunshinesmile

    Have you ever? (3)

    Yes Have you ever been to London?
  10. sunshinesmile

    Word Association [Game]

  11. sunshinesmile

    Word Association [Game]

  12. sunshinesmile

    Word Association [Game]

  13. sunshinesmile

    Word Association [Game]

    (Just curious, what's the connection, lighthouse?) Biblical History
  14. sunshinesmile

    Word Association [Game]

    The beginning word will be . . . Yorkshire
  15. sunshinesmile

    Have you ever? (3)

    No Have you ever been scamcalled by the "IRS"?