Recent content by StLGirl

  1. S

    Question about your friendships

    1. Do you have friends who are parents? I do, but I find most of them have kids that are school-aged. If not they are more like casual acquaintances. 2. Do you find it difficult ot be friends with them? If the kids are toddlers or babies, yeah at times. But it depends on the person. I have 2...
  2. S

    Military Wives: Passing the time

    Work and sleep, go to college, watch a lot of movies, volunteer and try to get out with my friends. Seems like you have got quite a list already though! Hang in there!
  3. S

    Difficulties with promotion

    Nevermind, what a waste of my time.
  4. S

    Struggling with family member (sorry, long)

    So my mother-in-law... her visits have always been a little rough but this last one was the worst. She is the usual you know - critical, treating us like stupid children who don't know how to live, etc. But she's gotten worse and my husband really wants nothing to do with her. He can just let...
  5. S

    How do you know?

    First I apologize. Wow. It's been one year and one day exactly since I've been on this forum. I have gone through a lot lately, nothing terrible, but I have been thinking about coming back here for awhile and here I am. Well, I have a church that I attended, it was basically a morning Bible...
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    Yeah I heard about that sparrbq, my mom even sent me the article that ran in the newspaper about it. That's too bad!
  7. S

    Just tired of everything!

    Thanks all. I feel better today. I go through these periods of feeling low. I'm just trying to get a handle on everything - some days I just feel like everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Somedays I feel like I can't keep my head above water with all that is expected of me, all that I...
  8. S

    Worth listening to? Yeah Right.

    Don't like them either! Luther and Bob are light years ahead of these artist. Love Bob Marley. We don't need R Kellys in this world - UGH!
  9. S

    Top 5 bands/artists you hate

    Oh yes gotta agree on that! My Humps is awful! And Fergie's London Bridge rates up there in the crap factor too!
  10. S

    Just tired of everything!

    Don't even know where to start. I'm in one of those moods, the smallest things set me off. But I have felt depressed on and off at least half of my life. I never do anything about it though. I'm scared the doctor will just tell me to lose weight (part of my problem is my health) and to talk to a...
  11. S

    1980's girl band KLYMAXX

    Ahhh yes I remember now. "I Miss You" and it was way sad! when i heard you voice yesterday when i turned around to say that i loved you then i realized that it was just my mind playing tricks on me it seems colder, lately at night when i try to sleep with the lights on everytime the phone...
  12. S

    1980's girl band KLYMAXX

    I do, vaguely. Couldn't think of their songs off the top of my head. There's one I have in my mind but can't make out the words or the title. I'll have to look it up.
  13. S

    avenged sevenfold

    I saw a video by them, their first one, looked kinda raunchy and satanic to me, ugh. Not for me!!!!!
  14. S

    I think my parents are divorcing

    I just found out my mom is willing to give my father another chance. I hope she puts her foot down and insists on a few changes. I hope his head is finally out of his you know what and he realizes how lucky he is. I continue to pray daily for them. Thanks for all your support. I hope they can...
  15. S

    I think my parents are divorcing

    At this point I'm feeling bad for my dad, more than I thought I would. I've never felt a lot of sympathy for my dad as he is not a nice person. He's gotten a lot worse lately, in his anger and depression, but he's my dad and now I know he is going to be all alone. I realize he has no one, and...