
I am pastor of the Rising Vine Ministry church body. We are a small church in Arkansas. We are small, but very active in helping others wherever we can and as the Lord provides, We buy food, Medicine, diapers and such for needy people and are always on the lookout for a way to serve the Lord.

I volunteer as Chaplain for Nursing Homes, Jails and Prisons and am also a christian counselor.
God has placed a great love for others into my heart and I love helping others.

My theology is non-denominational, I do not wear a "label" so to speak simply because I believe we are all seeking to get to the same place.
I believe that we are justified by "grace through faith" and that once we are saved, that we are then upheld by God's righteous right hand and are eternally secure.

I believe in a triune God with the Father being the head of the Godhead or Trinity.

Jesus Christ the 2nd of the Godhead, He is fully God that came to earth born of a virgin and became fully God and yet fully man as to become our "one time" perfect sinless sin atonement.
He was crucified on a cross and rose again the third day and now sits at the right hand of God where He mediates for His children.
The Holy Spirit is the third of the Godhead and is living inside each believer as we are the temple of God.
I Believe that all mankind is fallen and is sinful from birth
Psalm 51:5 and that we all need salvation, This is only found by accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour.
I believe satan was cast out of heaven and took 1/3 of the angels with him and they are active today in trying to lie, steal and destroy. Although satan was defeated at the cross by Jesus Christ he still masquerades as an angel of light. He however has no power except what is given to him.

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the Life. He is the only way to salvation and eternal life in heaven where the saved will reside forever. The unsaved will be cast out after the final judgement along with satan and his demons into eternal torment in hell.

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Aug 16, 1971 (Age: 52)
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United States
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God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called!