Recent content by Sir Robbins

  1. Sir Robbins

    The way to keep Trump out of the White House

    figuratively could mean a few things. From a public standpoint? A political one? I don't like him in either regard.
  2. Sir Robbins

    The way to keep Trump out of the White House

    You are correct biblically speaking. The bible does not represent, or have full representation from either party. I do not have faith in any politician as we are not supposed to. I know who is always and ultimately in control. The people who riot in the streets over politicians makes me sad that...
  3. Sir Robbins

    The way to keep Trump out of the White House

    we were laughed at for a different reason when he was in office. My friends considered his term as comical. Our current is seen as sad and I get asked why there were so many stupid people that voted for him. He's literally worse than Obama, Clinton and Carter, in many respects.
  4. Sir Robbins

    The way to keep Trump out of the White House

    key word is "convicted".... hard to convict a leader who is currently or formerly in power with their buddies. South America is running wild with this.. We all know plenty of politicians in this country that could be convicted, if they were tried.... As for your surveys which are often made up...
  5. Sir Robbins

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    Beer isn't really my concern. It's the women who are drinking themselves away with hard alcohol. I see them do it with wine too. I don't want to put myself in a position where I cannot function properly and certainly don't want a partner that would do the same..
  6. Sir Robbins

    The way to keep Trump out of the White House

    You clearly haven't been outside the USA much.... We are the laughing stock right now with the moron in the white house now. We are one of the only countries on earth to not have had criminals in power at some point and what he was convicted of is hardly criminal. Most who do it get small fines...
  7. Sir Robbins

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    I am basically the wizard of oz... I sit behind screens and curtains, drapes if you will and ensure all the video systems are running for corporate shows, live events and concerts as a video engineer. I do on brief moments interact with clients but it is rare. Us nerds are often discouraged by...
  8. Sir Robbins

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    Here's a perfect article to address the stance
  9. Sir Robbins

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    My issue is I work in the same field my dad did. He was gone, ALL THE TIME and I refuse to be that kind of person, who has a kid at home I rarely see. I travel a lot for work, 95% of it actually. It's a primary reason for my singleness too. I have read articles that criticize Christians who...
  10. Sir Robbins

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    The primary reason they don't work for me is that all the women I used to meet in church wanted kids and the members who knew I didn't would talk down to me about it and discourage women from connecting with me. I have had 2 girls in the past actually admit it. I am not upset about it as it's...
  11. Sir Robbins

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    I gave up the apps thing years ago. I had only recently tried again only to walk away after 2 months of nothing but incompatible matches or no contact or response at all... I am glad I have not fallen into the wrong hands...
  12. Sir Robbins

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    After reading more internet articles and forums regarding christian singles and the reasoning behind so many wanting marriage but cannot find partners, I know of one culprit for certain. Dating apps, even the likes of eHarmony, are flawed when it comes to filtering out one's desires and...
  13. Sir Robbins


    My experience is that dating apps and websites are flawed in their sorting features when it comes to compatibility. I don't want kids or someone who drinks and it never fails to be sent tons of matches of women who do or want one or both.... I gave up online and the churches told me I am wrong...
  14. Sir Robbins

    Now that youve known life

    I'll put it like this. Following Christ and the ways of the bible will keep you out of so much pain, trouble, misfortune and disappointment. If I am wrong as a Christian when I die, I lose nothing. The way I chose to live my life worked well and provided much peace and comfort. If I am right...
  15. Sir Robbins

    Why are some Christians desiring to stay single?

    This makes much more sense and some of my suspicion was rooted in this answer. Your first response did puzzle me and glad you clarified.