Recent content by SinnerInTheHands

  1. SinnerInTheHands

    In honor of the Ancestors

    I thought that was what I said. I've been in classes taught by members of different tribes on the privacy of indigenous religions, and how, more often then not, they strongly eschewed proselytizing, as the beliefs of a certain tribe pertained only to that tribe. I said myself that it was the...
  2. SinnerInTheHands

    Recommended Lutheran Books for Christmas Gifts.

    And after offering you the official LCMS list of books for Confessional Lutherans to read, you decline and accuse me of leaving the topic.
  3. SinnerInTheHands

    Recommended Lutheran Books for Christmas Gifts.

    Authors who wrote books before the major liberalizations of the ELCA in the 90s, of course. You forget that to many other Lutherans [WELS and the ELS included] you don't recognize the authority of the Word or of the Confessions. As of recent they have considered you to be "Lutheran", though...
  4. SinnerInTheHands

    Recommended Lutheran Books for Christmas Gifts.

    As a technically rostered member of a congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod [though I do not currently attend a LCMS church], and as one who is still wrestling in his walk with Lutheranism and heavily contemplating attending Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, I can honestly say that...
  5. SinnerInTheHands

    In honor of the Ancestors

    I can see your point, but based on any education on the point, no, not really. Native religion was less of a "religion" and more of the "way of life of a certain, particular tribe, applicable only to that tribe and its members." Correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. SinnerInTheHands

    Recommended Lutheran Books for Christmas Gifts.

    It's not my list . . . it's the official list of the LCMS. If the book's not by an LCMS author, but the Synod forces all training to be an official LCMS pastor to read it, you can bet it's a strong confessional work. Unless your father is WELS, I don't see what the problem is.
  7. SinnerInTheHands

    In honor of the Ancestors

    I have met Native peoples on both sides of the fence. I have met those with an enormous amount of contempt for Christianity, and I have known Natives who were [along with their entire nation, the Crow] extremely devout Pentecostals. Regardless, it is a very sensitive issue to discuss, and great...
  8. SinnerInTheHands

    Hypocritical to accept the Bible but not the Catholic Church?

    Ignatius was referring to the church catholic, i.e. the collection of all true believers in Christ on Earth. There wasn't a single "bishop of Rome" until after the 2nd century [rather there were numerous bishops presiding simultaneously], it wasn't until the 6th century until the Pope declared...
  9. SinnerInTheHands

    Hypocritical to accept the Bible but not the Catholic Church?

    It's not a joke . . . crack open a history book.
  10. SinnerInTheHands

    Hypocritical to accept the Bible but not the Catholic Church?

    I would posit so far as to say that I would embrace being a true heretic of Catholicism for embracing Protestantism.
  11. SinnerInTheHands

    Last movie you watched (13)

    The Extended Two Towers.
  12. SinnerInTheHands

    Hypocritical to accept the Bible but not the Catholic Church?

    Except, you know, the RCC didn't exist until the 7th century . . .
  13. SinnerInTheHands

    Why do Christians tend to be conservatives?

    Ah yes, the old "he was for taxes, he must be liberal" excuse.
  14. SinnerInTheHands

    Did the Virgin Mary remain a virgin?

    So you're a Muslim now? It says in the Qur'an that the Trinity is "Father, Son, and Mary".
  15. SinnerInTheHands

    Recommended Lutheran Books for Christmas Gifts.

    You should just use the official LCMS recommended reading list. I should note that the LCMS marks On Being a Theologian of the Cross as "really challenging, but worth it".