Recent content by Simon_Templar

  1. Simon_Templar

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    ^_^^_^ Thank you for this certified internet moment. I needed a good laugh today. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this forum has devolved to reddit status. You literally just asked me for a source, for a self-evident principle... This is like the joke of going on reddit and claiming...
  2. Simon_Templar

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    In my very first response to you, I addressed literally the only "point" you have made when I asked why you think that things are not as they appear, and I pointed out that in order to make that claim, you have to have evidence that supports it. To claim simply as a matter of course that things...
  3. Simon_Templar

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    Alright, lets make it clear... In your initial post you said... This statement clearly implies the following 1. Thinking that Classical Realism is correct is "going backwards" 2. Classical Realism is inherently naive, which means unsophisticated, immature, and possibly foolish 3. We now know...
  4. Simon_Templar

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    I'm not sure what was unclear about it, if I'm understanding you. When conducting an inquiry, the starting point has to be that the thing is what it appears to be, until evidence to the contrary has been found. The appearance of a thing IS evidence as to what it is. Until we have other...
  5. Simon_Templar

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    The problem is your statement is not an argument. Saying "philosophers of period X believed Y, but philosophers of period Z believe A" does not provide evidence or support to either position. This does not prove that Y was incorrect and A was correct. What you are doing is denigrating Y in...
  6. Simon_Templar

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    You didn't offer a critique. That's the point.
  7. Simon_Templar

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    This is a non-sequitur. "This has been criticized before." Does not equal "this view is naïve and we have surpassed it with our current thought" It is one thing to offer a critique. It is another thing to simply take an opposing view as fact because it is more recent and dismiss the older view...
  8. Simon_Templar

    Is same sex attraction just a temptation, or is it a sin like homosexuality?

    Sin requires the cooperation of the will. In other words, you have to actively choose to sin. A thought which pops into your head unbidden (meaning you didn't go seeking it out or decide to think about it) cannot be a sin. Likewise, a feeling that you did not decide to feel or actively seek...
  9. Simon_Templar

    Is same sex attraction just a temptation, or is it a sin like homosexuality?

    The attraction itself is not a sin. Regarding attraction and lust. Being attracted to women as a heterosexual man does not constitute the sin of lust. Looking at a woman and thinking "wow she is beautiful" is not lust. Further, when lustful thoughts arise unbidden, they are not sinful UNTIL...
  10. Simon_Templar

    Is it a sin to "cause" your death?

    It is a sin to kill yourself. Whether you put a gun to your head, or take pills, or crash your car makes no difference. Thinking "I hope I die" is not quite the same thing as thinking "I'm going to kill myself." It is still very likely a sin, because it probably involves things like despair and...
  11. Simon_Templar

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    I don't want to be overly confrontational, but what you are saying here appears to represent a bunch of misconceptions or prejudices more than anything else. I'm not aware of any proponent of Classical Realism who ever believed or taught that things are always as they appear. As far as I...
  12. Simon_Templar

    Ukraine peace talks

    I support any reasonable attempt to bring a peace agreement. Who wouldn't? The fact that this has become a political issue in the US has lead to a lot of dishonesty on both sides. Yes, there have been provocations of Russia and NATO has been pushing Russia into what the Russian's consider to...
  13. Simon_Templar

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    I agree with your quibble. It is well stated.
  14. Simon_Templar

    Jesus fulfilled the law and prophets what does it mean?

    You have to pair what Jesus says here with what is written in Hebrews regarding how the Old Covenant is passing away. When Jesus spoke those words, he had not YET fulfilled the law and the prophets. He was GOING to fulfill them. The passing away of the old should be understood in the same way...
  15. Simon_Templar

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    Funny... I don't remember saying that Medieval thought was perfect... In any case, no human thought this side of eternity is perfect. Even in eternity it will not be perfect in the sense of entirely complete. I am indeed a romantic, and frankly I struggle to understand how anyone could think...