Recent content by Shemjaza

  1. Shemjaza

    Creating a Humanzee

    Farming primates is slow difficult and expensive... the current research on genetically modified pigs is much more practical.
  2. Shemjaza

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    It was an actual request for this evidence. I have limited respect for the medium of debate... it doesn't allow for actual checking and demonstration of assertions. While the truth is a great help in winning a debate, skill at debating is more important. Then what is this archaeology that...
  3. Shemjaza

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    What archaeology of creation scientists? There isn't physical evidence for a world wide flood in human history. Archaeological remains, geological evidence, genetic diversity are all counter to the literal flood events believed by any kind of recent Creation believing Creationist.
  4. Shemjaza

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    Thank you. It's interesting to me that other Christian literalists like AV1611 probably more or less agree with you on your poetic interpretations of Revelation, but perceive the descriptions of domes and ferminants as similarly poetic descriptions of the atmosphere and space.
  5. Shemjaza

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    I'm curious, when you read Revelations and creatures like Beasts and Dragons are described as multi headed monsters with horns are other animal features... are those literal prophecies of monsters, or are they symbolic of human appearing individuals, systems or nations?
  6. Shemjaza

    Can anyone explain how the moth got it's owl eyes?

    Sure, but an empty critique is completely unconvincing. His claim was that he had a mathematical critique... then if he can't express that he's either lying or indistinguishable from lying. It really does matter, because you need to demonstrate that they are in fact evil and wrong. I'm also...
  7. Shemjaza

    Can anyone explain how the moth got it's owl eyes?

    That's fine, but if someone is mathematically critiquing evolutionary theory, as Thurston-howell-III is attempting to, then they need to be able to describe how they worked out their maths.
  8. Shemjaza

    Can anyone explain how the moth got it's owl eyes?

    luckily, point mutations are reversible.
  9. Shemjaza

    Can anyone explain how the moth got it's owl eyes?

    How are you measuring them? Are you assuming they all need to be developed at once? That they all need to be developed in a specific order? That there are no possible alternatives to any of them? Because those don't make for reasonable models for development.
  10. Shemjaza

    Can anyone explain how the moth got it's owl eyes?

    I think you have your logic backwards.
  11. Shemjaza

    Creating a Humanzee

    I personally think creating Ligers is unethical. There are a lot of genetic and behavioral problems stemming from the mix of similar, but incompatible lion and tiger traits. Most people feel that humans and chimp are different in fundamental ways that make blurring the line between them...
  12. Shemjaza

    Evidence for macro-evolution

    This is all meaningless until you can actually objectively measure the Creationist versions of "specificity" and "information". Until then it's just vibes and feelings that evolution doesn't work.
  13. Shemjaza

    Can anyone explain how the moth got it's owl eyes?

    The code is a description of the chemicals not inherit to them. You could create a code for classifications of river turn shapes then describe every river on Earth with them, it wouldn't make them a code. It's not a translation like a language, it's a chemical reaction. It's like asking how...
  14. Shemjaza

    Can anyone explain how the moth got it's owl eyes?

    Random variations over large populations with selection only maintaining the functional versions. Each change from the simpler not reproducing monomer chemicals doesn't need to occur in a particular chain of events for a single chain. It's important to remember that each successful variation...
  15. Shemjaza

    Can anyone explain how the moth got it's owl eyes?

    As I said, it's a description of a chemical process. Polymerisation occurs without intervention or intent all the time... it's just a consequence of the structure of carbon atoms to form chains and of other elements to connect to the carbon. DNA has significant consequences because it's the...