Recent content by ServantJohn

  1. ServantJohn

    Female Pastors?

    I think Deborah understands the difference between an Old Testament judge and a New Testament elder in the church. She was a judge after all. Priscilla and Aquila taught Apollos after taking him aside (so not from the pulpit). I've already stated that women can teach men outside of the...
  2. ServantJohn

    Female Pastors?

    Agree 100%. The Bible teaches that women should not be in leadership roles or teach men in the church, women should wear head coverings in church (my wife wears a head covering) and men should not (I am not allowed to wear a hat), and divorce and remarriage are not permitted (both my wife and I...
  3. ServantJohn

    Female Pastors?

    Would like to restate that Mike Winger does a really good job of covering this topic from both sides, so I encourage you to watch his video series on Women in Ministry as part of your research to find out what the Bible teaches on this topic.
  4. ServantJohn

    Female Pastors?

    Depends on how the seminary is set up. Are they having communion, worshipping, or praying in the class (besides personal prayers right before exams lol)? I don't see seminary or their classes as a local church.
  5. ServantJohn

    Female Pastors?

    Due to the context. Right after Paul writes that he does not allow a woman to teach, the passage goes on to talk about the leadership qualifications in the church. Priscilla and Aquila explained to Apollos "the Way of God to him more accurately" after pulling him aside, so not from the pulpit...
  6. ServantJohn

    Female Pastors?

    Mike Winger did a very well-researched video series on this topic. The videos are long and there are a few of them because there are many different things to cover but can't recommend a better resource on this topic. As for during the main service, no. As a Sunday school teacher over a mixed...
  7. ServantJohn

    Hugging the opposite gender in church?

    I intended my position on the subject to be clear in the original post. Sorry if it wasn't. This thread was to find out what others thought on the subject in order to test my position and practice. Marumorose gave Scripture that made me question my position which is always welcome, but after...
  8. ServantJohn

    Hugging the opposite gender in church?

    Thank you for your reply. It sent me into quite a study on the "holy kiss", how it was performed, and if the sex of the individuals performing the "holy kiss" mattered. It appears the "holy kiss" was a closed-mouth kiss on the lips between two Christians. not the cheeks as I had assumed...
  9. ServantJohn

    Hugging the opposite gender in church?

    But she's not my grandma, my manhood is not in question, and I show genuinely that I don't mind touching them by offering them a handshake. She's usually a woman near my age and often the wife of another church member or the pastor. I'm not "leaping over the pew", but they sure are sometimes...
  10. ServantJohn

    What did your dad teach you?

    My dad was great and taught me how to cook and advised me saying a man should know how to cook. My mother was the abusive one.
  11. ServantJohn

    Hugging the opposite gender in church?

    I know a lot of people have no issues with men hugging women they aren't married or related to in church and vis versa, but it weirds me out. If a lady comes in for a hug, I shift to a side hug or give them my hand. What are your thoughts on this topic? Should I be okay with it? I'm okay...
  12. ServantJohn

    Biblical pairs

    One of my favs. :clap:
  13. ServantJohn

    Do you have a Mentor/Pastor?

    Thank you, though I did know that. Once I explained the two positions without giving away which I was, he was quick to say that he is trinitarian. Well, he said,"I'm that one." I really like the guy. LOL
  14. ServantJohn

    Biblical pairs

    I don't think we need to suggest David was sexist in his view of Abigail since Scripture doesn't seem to do so.
  15. ServantJohn

    Men listening to women teach the Bible!

    Mike Winger did the best study on this topic I have ever seen. Probably the best study I've seen on any biblical topic. It's many long videos, but it's a great resource covering the major literature from both sides and tackles most all of the major arguments. Spoiler, he comes to a "soft...