Recent content by seeking_perfection

  1. seeking_perfection

    Where have the Anglicans/Episcopalians gone?

    I haven't been around for ages but thought I'd pop by today! Hello again.
  2. seeking_perfection

    Coming back to the church.

    Deffy, this sounds like its going so well. I'm really pleased for you.
  3. seeking_perfection

    What denomination are you?

    Anglican, (Anglo-Catholic in a relaxed, relatively liberal way) and attend an Anglican church weekly.
  4. seeking_perfection

    Last Judgement

    I've always assumed that in the quotes you have selected, the crowns just symbolise the confirmation of salvation, not any type of distinct reward. Are you arguing that on top of salvation, which is given to all believers, there is some type of tiered reward system as well, which you earn by...
  5. seeking_perfection

    Last Judgement

    Hi, what does this actually mean? What are eternal rewards in this statement? Thanks.
  6. seeking_perfection

    BCP or CW?

    I suppose this was what I was trying to get at. It seems that morning BCP services are purely to cater for those who have always had BCP (the elder members) while CW is the de facto standard now.
  7. seeking_perfection

    BCP or CW?

    My parish uses CW most of the time but may have a BCP service mid-week, not sure. Most parishes I know will have an 8am BCP then a 10am or 11am CW. I prefer CW as it's what I'm used to and I find the BCP a bit all over the place in comparison!
  8. seeking_perfection

    Yet another "new visitor" post

    Hi oceansmile! As others have said, it shouldn't be too difficult. Get there early, pick up the paperwork and follow everyone else. Sit a good few pews back and then you'll have people to watch in front of you :)
  9. seeking_perfection

    How to answer this?

    I think the problem with this argument is that, despite Henry VIII's desire for an annulment, not even he could have done what he did 100 years previously. The main driver for the sustained break with Rome & doctrinal change was the reformation taking place throughout Europe and its supporters...
  10. seeking_perfection

    Thanks be to God! (job)

    That's great news. I'm really pleased for you!
  11. seeking_perfection

    Christ is Risen!

    already dark here, first eucharist of Easter complete :)
  12. seeking_perfection

    Christ is Risen!

    He is risen indeed. Alleluia!
  13. seeking_perfection

    So lets be grown up & talk about OBOB, articles, etc.

    Silvio, i don't remember michie ever posting articles about loans for body part enlargements. Not even a reminder that my banking password has expired and to change it by following a link. Surely that's spam. I can't see how her articles are the same thing, even if not all of them interest you.
  14. seeking_perfection

    Comparing Francis to...

    i think a lot of people (Catholics and otherwise) have been caught up with and impressed by Pope Francis' first days. His simple style, connection with people and an unwillingness to be locked away behind closed doors has received a lot of praise, as if we had been waiting for someone to do this...