Recent content by seeker2122

  1. S

    Ai vs Christian theology

    Thank you for your kind response. The current understanding we have AI, I agree, does not have a soul or conscience and is not capable of faith. What we have right now that we call AI is really "dumb AI" meaning, it's just a really complex set of calculations and algorithms that is capable of...
  2. S

    Is it wrong to want more in life?

    Hmm very interesting. God waiting on me? Does God actually wait on anyone since he already knows what the outcome will be? People wait on God but I wonder about the other way around. Is it possible to shock or amaze God even though he foreknew everything you will or won't do? I am aware of...
  3. S

    Is it wrong to want more in life?

    I like what you said about "if you are coming to the Lord out of fear of hell, you're doing it wrong". I agree about that for sure. To believe in Jesus because you fear hell, rather than to believe in Jesus because you have faith and love him in an real and intimate relationship with him are...
  4. S

    Is it wrong to want more in life?

    Agreed. But realistically, most Christians don't just want "God's Will" and for spiritual things. Christians want a bigger or better or a newer home. Is that wrong? Christians also want to travel, see new places and that wrong to want those instead of just saving all that...
  5. S

    Does God determine how long you live?

    so is this proof that we do not determine how long we live? I can live a healthy life but die young of sickness or I can live an unhealthy life and live until I'm 118? We basically don't have a say in how long or how short we live? It's already determined for us regardless of the choices we...
  6. S

    Does God determine how long you live?

    Yes, God is all sovereign. He is in full control and nothing happens or can happen without his knowing. However, this doesn't necessarily means he "causes" all things to happen and not happen does it? I know in Scripture it said that God numbers the hairs on my head and so he has also numbered...
  7. S

    Is it wrong to want more in life?

    I feel guilty and like a bad person for wanting more in life. I know that we should just be thankful to God under all circumstances and if I have a warm bed to sleep in, food on the table, a decent job, a couple parents who love me, and a pretty average life living in a first world nation...
  8. S

    The irony of telling God you're lonely

    very encouraging thank you. Some people are just naturally outgoing, extroverted and love to engage with people, others are more introverted and find it difficult to approach or initiate....I wonder how it applies to the two differing personalities? Should we just say that introversion is not...
  9. S

    The irony of telling God you're lonely

    I wonder if Adam told God he was lonely and needed a companion and then God granted him his request or if God just initiated first in providing him a 'suitable helper' without Adam's consent or desire to have a partner? I know when we read Genesis it doesn't say Adam specifically felt lonely...
  10. S

    The irony of telling God you're lonely

    Thank you, yes, Koinonia! How about non-Koinonia intimacy or fellowship with someone or a group. I have those desires too. I don't want everything to always be about the bible, ministry, and just talk about Jesus. What if we yearn to also just have intimacy or closeness in other areas of...
  11. S

    The irony of telling God you're lonely

    I find it really ironic (is that right word or is there a better word) telling God in prayer that I'm lonely. I know the right answer is supposed to be, if you have a real and intimate relationship with God you shouldn't be lonely, otherwise that is like saying to God, He doesn't complete me...
  12. S

    1 or the 99?

    John 13:34 was the passage that I also thought of during those times. I thought to myself, are we a church to loves one another and shows it so that when outsiders see us, they will see the way we love each other with the love of Christ and then know we are his disciples. Most of the time the...
  13. S

    Ai vs Christian theology

    I'm trying to imagine (like in Star Trek holodecks), that you could re-create a near perfect replica on the holodeck of a person that once existed. By accumulating all the data, memories, physical and personality traits and giving it an almost ai like consciousness, that person could be as close...
  14. S

    Pointing out other's faults when I have my own faults

    I think the problem is in semantics. Many of us don't have a clear understanding of what is judging because it can mean a lot of things. I agree that judging is more on the plane of judging them as a soul, human, being. We cannot condemn someone's life to hell or salvation. That to me is...
  15. S

    Ai vs Christian theology

    I get what you mean and I'm with you. But I'm also serious and open to the possibility that if ai is conscious, then would you be in danger of discriminating against them because they are not human? Let's get imaginative here. IDK if you've ever watched Star Trek the Next Gen. There is a...