Recent content by sdmsanjose

  1. sdmsanjose

    Recurring Problem

    Jeff Your wife opening up to you and you getting more understanding of your wife is a very good START. Sounds like your wife has very good reasons for her sexual responses to you. However, unless she improves on her sexual responses you are in for many more years of your frustrations and...
  2. sdmsanjose

    What lead you to be a non-denom?

    I went to a Conservative Baptist church for decades and I appreciate their teachings on the bible. The last pastor was dry and I felt no spiritual nourishment for years. Many others in the church voiced the same and many left. I was invited by my sister to go to her non-denominational church and...
  3. sdmsanjose

    Why Do So Many Churches Treat Adultery As Passively As David Treated Amnon?

    I am glad that your pastor did say some good things but it is very ignorant to equate the betrayer’s anger for being cheated on as from their own jealousy. Pastors and Churches can be of help in some areas but they are not infallible and in some cases detrimental. I admire you for taking the...
  4. sdmsanjose

    Ground zero

    He is a veteran right? Will he go the VA clinic to get help with his PTSD? There are other sources for him to get help, it does not have to be the VA. If he really wants to get better he can get better; the issue is with his attitude. If not then he needs some consequences so that he can...
  5. sdmsanjose

    Money and Marriage

    It would be wonderful if everything in marriage was a 50/50 situation. Nice fantasy but not real life! From what you wrote your husband seems to not have a very mature or balanced approach about work and money and needs to be more considerate of you. Possible solutions? Your husband...
  6. sdmsanjose

    Why Do So Many Churches Treat Adultery As Passively As David Treated Amnon?

    Not only is it insensitive to your case, it was a very limited statement about anger in betrayal without specifics. The only specific that he gave was the story of Clara Harris. To state Jealousy as the only reason for anger tells me that your pastor is not qualified to talk about adultery I...
  7. sdmsanjose

    Gun Laws vs Death rates.

    In my last post I made a typing error. I said 100 bullets per second when I meant to say 100 bullets per minute. However, the point is that 20 rounds per second (1200 rounds per minute-fully automatic gun) or 100 rounds per minute-semi automatic gun should be banned for the public. I am sure...
  8. sdmsanjose

    Gun Laws vs Death rates.

    Your memory vs the news story I referenced; I go with the more reliable data. Your “what If” scenario is far reaching and I know of no rioters that would say “We can take this guy” so who is going to be the first 1-5 to die so that we can get this guy? The bottom line is that you will...
  9. sdmsanjose

    Gun Laws vs Death rates.

    No need to kill 15-30 people, NO ONE WANTS TO BE THE FIRST SECOND OR THIRD person dead in the street! You do not need an assault rifle to stop rioters from killing you. Although you used a very rare situation, I will use your example. You referenced Reginald Denney that was hurt in the 1992...
  10. sdmsanjose

    Gun Laws vs Death rates.

    Is there any rational argument to have assault guns legal that can hold and fire 30- 60-120 bullets per minute? Those assault guns should be illegal and any person that fights against that ban is a gun nut that does not have much logic or cares more about guns than the possibility of reducing...
  11. sdmsanjose

    Divorce and adultery

    Your husband HATED, abused you emotionally and physically, and committed adultery…God hates when His daughter is abused and even Jesus stated that divorce is permitted in the case of adultery. Observer, God is the only one you should be concerned about and not those people that are against...
  12. sdmsanjose


    FGEH I do not understand your police. You have proof that he is stealing from you and he kicks the door down and you say they will not do anything? Who all are on the title of the home? If your 18 year old son is not on the title then he has committed a crime and in the USA the police will...
  13. sdmsanjose

    As to not derail another thread - Escalating Porn Use?

    I have seen porn in the past ( after my age of 35) but it never changed my preferences about sex or to need something crazier. It just increased my desire for my type of sex. I like sex with the opposite sex and without any bizarre or real extreme exotic sex. So EZ, my guess is that we have had...
  14. sdmsanjose

    Gun Laws vs Death rates.

    In relation to mass shooting like at the Texas church, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook School, etc,; with new gun laws those type mass killings could reduce the number killed. All assault rifles and all guns that can hold and fire 30-60-120 bullets a minute should be illegal and that will not prevent...
  15. sdmsanjose

    Gun Laws vs Death rates.

    The lawmakers can make laws that put severe penalties on ALL agencies, like the Air Force, that fail to report serious crimes to the proper authorities.