Recent content by scamper

  1. S

    Introducing Myself

    Think about where your life is now. Next, think about where your life would be if you had made all the right choices and decisions. Nobody is perfect so we all have situations or memories that should not be. Eventually these pile up and get to a point when they become unmanageable. When you...
  2. S

    How to Think

    This chapter is concerned with how gamblers think and evaluate situations. Most people just tend to gloss over ideas and issues. Gamblers don't think that way. They like to get into the details of how things work, the in's and out's and they like to become familiar with the cause and effect...
  3. S

    A Letter to Myself

    Dear Me (when I was 20), A little advice to you that I think may help in the coming years. 1. Never take any gambling activity seriously. It's the same as thinking you will grow up to be better than Babe Ruth in baseball. You can work and work and work at it, you can get pretty good but making...