Recent content by SavedNoCompromise

  1. S

    Dating Advice Needed for women in 30's

    There is liberty in Christ and people of various ages get married daily. Your first marriage is to Christ. The more you seek the Lord and share with Him your desire to be married the more He will position you to be in a place to have your man of God find you. Courtship is what you should...
  2. S

    Alone with no hope in sight

    God loves you. Humans are his creation. The only one who hates us is the devil because we have a chance to avoid eternal damnation and he doesn't because he rose up against God in his own selfish pride. Divorce is difficult. And a minister who knows how to talk people through integrity and...
  3. S

    Even After Accepting Christ I Still Feel So Broken

    Transformation is a process and Romans 2:12 talks about the renewing of our minds. To help you renew your mind think of the things outlined in Colossians 3:2. It is harder to gossip when you are full of the awe of the Christ who saved us but also He sent us a helper. The Holy Spirit. We cannot...
  4. S

    Needing advice in my struggles.

    You are loved more than you realize. The Lord desires for all souls to be reconciled unto Him. I'm believing God for you to get delivered from the spirit of condemnation and the spirit of "not enough". Seek God. He will draw nigh to you as you draw nigh to Him. 1) Read that Word daily. You will...
  5. S

    Have I fallen away?

    First and foremost PLEASE DO NOT CONDEMN YOURSELF! The devil loves to lure people into sin and then immediately traps them in self-pity and condemnation for what they've done (under his demonic influence). We cannot defeat sin (which means to miss the mark) in our OWN strength. Ask God for the...
  6. S

    Can a Christian lose their salvation

    Yes someone can. Just because I enter school doesn't mean I automatically graduate. There is work and testing involved. Just because I get a job does not mean I keep it if I keep purposely sabatoging the job. BUT PLEASE DO NOT CONDEMN YOURSELF! If you are truly in Christ and desire to change...
  7. S

    Is it ok to have a ouija board in the house?

    No it is not okay. Operating in any witchcraft will open doors for demons to have ground to hurt your spiritually and your bloodline. There should not be any rituals done either. The only clean and pure power we are to operate by, on, in, and through is the power of God the Father, Jesus Christ...
  8. S

    How is God a part of your day-to-day life with your spouse?

    We seek God individually and together. We pray together. We talk about God. If my husband gets inspired by something in the Word during his daily reading he will share what the Holy Spirit taught him and vice versa. We fellowship together yes and we've ministered and prophesied and even prayed...
  9. S

    How does your relationship change after you get married?

    What changed after we got married, because we waited until we were married to have sex, was we were able to engage physically. We felt closer together as we continued to seek God daily. I have been with my husband happily 6 years now. We enjoyed learning each other first spiritually, then...
  10. S

    Is it normal for Christians to have opposing views?

    The Holy Spirit only leads us to the truth of the Father because He does not glorify Himself. So if two self-proclaiming christians are not on one accord someone is wrong and they should both be seeking Jesus fellowship for clarity. Many people THINK they know God but dont truly know Him.
  11. S

    New to Christianity entirely. Need advice.

    The most alarming quote was when you said the pastor "agrees with YOU on many points." Christianity is not about the Word of God fitting your ways and thoughts, its about US allowing God to reconcile Himself to us through us for us by true repentance and diligent study. God spoke very...
  12. S

    Asked to leave church by an Usher

    It was not wrong of you to feel that what happened to you was inappropriate. Sounds like a very religious environment. The early church didnt need ushers. They had the Holy Spirit. And He is who we need today operating within us with the power of the true God to defeat the kingdom of darkness. I...
  13. S

    I feel trapped

    You can get delivered! Have you seen Mark Hemans on youtube? People have been delivered from the spirits of Aspergers and depression. Remember, God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Anything...literally ANYTHING robbing us of what God gave us is from the...
  14. S

    Help, this might be the last time I reach out.

    Hello Anthony! There is only one true God. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the I AM. And In the Beginning He IS. Nothing and NO man-made dogma nor demonized dogma predated the true God. And only through faith in Jesus Christ can we reconcile to the true God who created everything. Now...
  15. S

    God Really Made the Universe In Six Days

    2 Peter 3:8 tells us "that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day". The Word of God lets us know that time how we see it as man is not the same as Gods time. Satan cannot create. He can only pervert what has already been created by God. The word "dinosaur"...