Recent content by SarSardonic

  1. S

    My Son, our Housing, our Health, our Finances....

    Thank you all for your prayers! *** Update: -My son's surgery did not happen. :( We got to the hospital and found out the doctor cancelled the surgery late last night. Hopefully he can get the surgery elsewhere sometime soon. +We have housing available to us, but it will cost $500 more per...
  2. S

    My Son, our Housing, our Health, our Finances....

    Please pray for my three-year-old son. He needs oral surgery and after 2 years of waiting we finally got an appointment and his surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. Please pray that we can afford the co-pay so that he can have the surgery. Please pray that the surgery goes well and that he wakes...
  3. S

    Giving up

    *praying for you*
  4. S

    Finances & Home ...

    Please continue to pray.... This is a really stressful time. +My husband is getting an apartment on the 10th. -Our BAH stops then, and I have until the 19th to get out of this apartment and get it professionally cleaned. -Our account is negative (my hubby had to eat, and fast food was his only...
  5. S

    Finances & Home ...

    Thank you all for your prayers. :) Please continue to pray. -Our finances are still horrible. :( + I have enough food/diapers for my kids for 2+ weeks. -My husband is still homeless (and right now he doesn't even have his vehicle to sleep in because it's getting worked on until Monday or...
  6. S

    Do I just give up?

    Thank you all for the advice. :)
  7. S

    What is the earliest age you gave your baby whole milk?

    Oh my goodness angelsamongus, CONGRATS! *Praying everything goes well for you and your growing family.* Again, congratulations. :)
  8. S

    What is the earliest age you gave your baby whole milk?

    I gave both of my babies milk products at around 8 months (yogurt, cheese, etc). I started giving them small tastes of cows milk (and goats milk) at around 10 or 11 months. Babies need breast milk (or formula) as their main source of nutrition until they are 12 months old. Giving cows or...
  9. S

    Finances & Home ...

    Thank you. I know that God doesn't really hate me.... I guess I'm just upset that I was just praising Him for my answered prayers for our other situations, and then this gets thrown at us. I am not "strong" in my faith to begin with, and this whole situation is really causing me to struggle...
  10. S

    Finances & Home ...

    Sorry to be a bother yet again.... I feel so abandoned by God. :( For a while it seemed like our prayers were answered (we had enough money to make it through the month, things were going well, my husband made it back to the States safely from Afghanistan and is getting the medical treatment...
  11. S

    Homeless Veteran (Active duty) help?

    We don't have enough money. :( His BAH is not enough to cover our apartment in my hometown and an other apartment or hotel at his base. In March I signed a 1 year lease (because he deployed in March and would be done with deployment [and the military] in March/April 2012.) I have no new...
  12. S

    Homeless Veteran (Active duty) help?

    My husband got sent back to his base from deployment due to medical issues. He is being MED-BOARDed out. (They said that it will take a minimum of 280 days, which will be the end of February.) For his deployment I moved (400 miles away from post) to my home town/state to be close to family...
  13. S

    :cry: please pray for me.. im so desperate

    *praying for you*
  14. S

    kids hindering spiritual growth?

    I am a new Christian and a mother of a preschooler and a toddler. I feel like my spiritual growth is being hindered because of them. I want to get more involved in my church (fellowship groups, Bible studies, classes to become a full member, volunteer opportunities, etc). However, I have no...
  15. S

    Please pray for me.

    *praying for you and your family*