Recent content by SamanthaMathis

  1. SamanthaMathis

    Lust / Looking at other women...

    I also think "intent" is what matters most, if you can move on afterwards, there's no harm done.
  2. SamanthaMathis

    Should a Christian study computer science?

    Agree wholeheartedly!
  3. SamanthaMathis

    I'm a christian missionary is this relationship, smart?

    Stay true to your feelings and convictions. I also push men away even if I am interested in them, but if you are having doubts, you should wait before pursuing a relationship. There is more coming for you, no need to rush into anything your heart isn't completely into.
  4. SamanthaMathis

    PORN ADDICTION - Why do so many struggle?

    Being guilty of this sin in the past, it is clear to me how shameful it can be to be so easily swayed. This particular sin is more troublesome for single people, especially older singles, yet it's no excuse. Especially when society has an expectation of how older women should behave, but it...
  5. SamanthaMathis

    Why are fundamentalist Christians so hated by most people?

    " "every fundamentalist whom I know personally would immediately whip out that verse" I have had this experience as well, but even the term fundementalist is too big an umbrella. After a certain age it truly does not matter, no one will sway me, it is the culture we live in that makes our...
  6. SamanthaMathis


    Welcome to CF, hope you find what you are looking for :)
  7. SamanthaMathis

    Chit Chat (15)

    Aww so sweet! Thank you Musicalpilgrim:heart: And thank you too nChrist:heart:! Glad to be acknowledged. :flushed:
  8. SamanthaMathis

    In the LAST 24 hours (6)

    Yes did group exercises?
  9. SamanthaMathis


    Just found out about this forum, the concept is great!
  10. SamanthaMathis

    Chit Chat (15)

    Hope you are all doing well, just wanted to stop by and say hi!
  11. SamanthaMathis

    Who wants to be online friends?

    Hi Nelly! hope the site is treating you well. PM me if you'd like!
  12. SamanthaMathis

    Looking for Christian friends!

    I move around the country a lot, and don't have many opportunities to lay down roots or make friends easily. Glad there is a place to post, looking for friends! :)
  13. SamanthaMathis

    You are never out of God's reach

    Thank you for posting this! glad to see the written word can still move hearts! keep us posted on how it does.
  14. SamanthaMathis

    Young HS student struggling with faith

    You have not crosses the boundary from good christian to unforgivable by habit. At this point in your life, you are at your weakest. What you are going through is common for all young boys and men, no matter their religious identity. It will pass, but not without feelings of regret. The struggle...
  15. SamanthaMathis

    Porn addiction

    I appreciate your words. Even if the post is old, the struggle remains for many on the forum.